This is me...albus potter

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So this is my second attempt of a fan fiction since my first one was never finished. Anyway this story is the years of Albus Severus potter And his friends. I won't be doing every year just little bits of different years and it might flick back and forth from different years but anyway please give my story a chance. Comment and vote and tell your friends about it please.

This first chapter is about his first year at Hogwarts and how he meets his friends.

Albus potter - 11 years old.

I was so excited. Today would be my first day at Hogwarts. James, my older brother, had already been at Hogwarts for two years and lily would be up next year to join us. I quickly got dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and a black jacket with some black and green converse. I couldn't wait to be an the train and make some new friends.

"Albus, hurry up. Mum says we need to leave now or we will be late!" James called from downstairs. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where my dad was waiting for me. Yes may dad was the great Harry potter, the boy who killed the dark lord. My dad smiled at me. We locked the front door and joined James, mum and Lily in the car. Only 30 minutes later I was sat in a compartment with my cousin Rose. Rose was the same age as me and was my aunt hermione and uncle Ron's daughter. Her brother Hugo was the same age as lily. The compartment door opened to reveal a shy looking boy with silvery blond hair and blue eyes.

"excuse me can I join you please. Everywhere else is full." he asked towered us both.

"Sure. I'm Albus Potter and this is my cousin Rose Weasley." I replied as he sat down next to me.

"Hello. I'm scorpius Malfoy, nice to meet you both." scorpius replied shaking my hand. We all got on really well and soon enough we were getting off the train and were sat in boats on our way to the castle. We all waited silently inside the main hall waiting to be sorted into our houses. Professor McGonagall was the headmaster and held a long scroll in her hands reading off our names and putting a very old hat on everyones heads.

"Scorpius Malfoy?" she called out to us. Scorpius, who was stood beside me, took a deep breath and walked up to the front and sat on the stool. Scorpius had told us on the train that he wanted to be in slytherin to please his father because no matter how many times he told him he didn't mind what house he was placed in, scorpius knew he really wanted him in slytherin. The hat began to talk and placed him in slytherin. A few names later was my turn. I didn't mind what house I was put in and neither was my father. I knew James wanted me to be in gryffindor like he was and my mum would too. I sat on the stool and it began to talk like it had with everyone else. "Ah we have another potter in school this year. Well you are a lot like your father in your looks however your older brother has hi mischievous personality. You at brave and honest so you could de well in gryffindor. However like I said you are much like your father and are courageous and hold great power just like he does. So since it's my choice I think you should be in ... SLYTHERIN!" the school cheered, even my brother did. I went and sat beside scorpius who smiled at me and patted me on my back. A few hours later we were sat in our dormitory talking about our families with three other boys in our room. I knew at this point that scorpius and I would be great friends. Before I went to bed that night I decided to write to my parents and tell then about my first day.

Dear mum and dad,

Hogwarts is amazing. I love it here. Even the train ride was great. I made friends with a boy named scorpius malfoy while we were on the train. I recognise his name from somewhere but I don't know where. Anyway he was put in slytherin and Rose is in gryffindor. So I guess your wondering what house I was put in. Well I'm in slytherin too. I hope your not disappointed to much. Anyway so there are 5 of us in a dorm, me scorpius and three other boys who seem really nice too. Anyway it's almost time for bed so I hope you are both alright and lily too. Goodnight.

Love Albus.

I gave my letter to my owl Sirius and he flew off. I named my owl after Sirius black since he was a dark black owl. James' owl was called headwig and looked exactly like our dads old one. Lily wanted a cat when she went to Hogwarts. I said goodnight to everyone and went to sleep. I couldn't wait to start lessons the next day.

This is me...albus potter (on Hold while I edit and write other stories)Where stories live. Discover now