Chapter 10 - Our friendship Lock Wish

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Erika Pov :

Ya ~ good morning ! Today I don't know where to go ! But is ok .

Karin ! Are you ok ! We going out now .

Karin (me ) pov :

Ya ! I going to come out already , wait for me . I just want to find out Iphone first . Oh ! Find it lets go .

Krystalqa Pov :

Karin ( me ) , you still the same . Always the last one to go . Ha ~ I am so worry about your future, Karin .

Karin ( me ) pov :

I am so sorry about your future to my dear krystalqa. You know why ? Because you are so innocent then you are going to believe in those stranger . Ha ~

Leiramae Pov :

Oh ~ come on ! Stop fighting . Is a very good morning. We must no fight . However , you both say that just now is the true .

Karin ( me ) and krystalqa Pov : That is no true !!!( shout in the same time )

Erika Pov :

Let's go then . By the way where are we going to go ?

Karin ( me ) pov :

How about we go to Namsan Town , I hear , my Sister that , there is more interesting thing . She had eaten the ... What is that call ... Oh !!! Is potatoes roll . That is very interesting have a lot of flavour, I want to try .

Erika Pov :

Okay !!! Then we go there since Karin ( me ) has suggested this place . Okay ! After going to "Honkok village " . I hear someone say that , there have a lot of traditional houses that in Korea in the pass .

Leiramae Pov :

What are you waiting for ! Let go then .

( Skip )

Karin ( me ) pov :

When I see a cable car. I was so exited can't wait to get there soon . I also don't know why !

Bus driver Pov :

young ladies, here go you ! But can I ask you a question?

Karin ( me ) pov :

Okay ? What questions you want to ask me .

Bus driver Pov :

I like you ! Can you be my girlfriend? I like your charming eye and lip . I want your handphone number can ? What age are you ? My age is 29 how about you ? ..................

30 minutes later

My face is like ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

Bus driver Pov :

I have no done my confess to you . Don't go .

[On the way we are running , then my Friend ( leiramae , Erika and krystalqa) was just keep laughing.... ]

Karin ( me ) pov :

What the .... Shit . Is that , have pretty face girl will it face this problem in everywhere. Ha ~ but is ok for me .

Hey ! Guys stop laughing. But eventually that bus driver is no my type , okay .

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