Chapter-29 What should we do !

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Annyeong Reader , the song is chinese but is really touching . hope you like the music ...

Back to dorms ,

In Karin's room , everyone was still waiting Karin(me) to wake up .

Back to yesterday , after Karin(me) has blood affinity and then she just passed out just like that .

Once Karin ( me) has blood affinity. She always had the hard time controlling herself . Other then her 3 other Friend which is also the same as her ( Krystalqa , Erika & leiramae )

Leiramae : each month 4 time ( which mean 1 week 1 time )
she need to suffering the most painful blood affinity + she is still half human half vampire . During her hard time with "weekly affinity " at the same time her power will be getting weaker and weaker .

Jungkook : I can't believe she is the most having the hardest time to controlling her "weekly affinity ".

Erika : At this point , Karin has used all her power to luhan life . Oh by the way , how is luhan ?

Wei jun : Krystalqa & I have used 80%of our healing power to maintain his heart beating . However, we had tried our best to save him back . I can't Guarantee that he will still a life  for the next 3 day .

Krystalqa: As I saw , when Jungkook & Mirah fight . Some of the sword pieces reflected back and harm to Luhan .

Erika: Then what should we do !

In Mirah house ,

Suga : Master ! Master ! You vomit a lot of blood ! Should I help you to bring some human for you ? Master ?

Mirah : Don't need ... I need to rest now .
Suga : yes master . ( left )

Mirah pov :

How dare you ! Jungkook ! How dare you Attack me just because of Karin and bunch of Friend .

Krystalqa ! I will let you pay for that . I will steal your thing 1 by 1 until you have nothing left . Hahahah ( evil ) 😈


Night 2230
Back to dorm ,

Everyone was resting in the living room .

Karin(me) is waking up but she didn't know that she is still in her vampire form .

Karin walked into living room , she went to wake Leiramae up .

Once Leiramae waked up , she got shock by Karin .

Leiramae : Karin ! Karin ! Ahahahaha ! ( Hand is shaking & can't speak in-proper)

Everyone just shock up .
Everyone was avoiding her between a big distance .

Karin: guys ? What are you scared for ? I am Karin . 😥

Leiramae : Karin , why are you transform into your vamp form . If you wanted to scared us , you must wait until midnight then scared now is just 10.00 on only . 😱

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