Chapter 12-My seat-mate Luhan... Sehun WHY YOU ARE HERE !

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RING RING RING !!!! ( next lesson )

Karin ( me) pov :

I ask seat next beside me . I still don't know what "his"  name . If I'm no wrong his name call " Luhan "

Hi , Luhan nice to meet you ! May I ask next lesson is what subject .  He just say " music lesson "

After he say " music lesson "with  a very cool voice . I think , he is a very cool  and manly  guys type .

Luhan Pov :

I can't believe that she is my classmates NOW ! And even she is my partner . So , I have my change to chat with her . My heartbeat become faster when I get near her .

When we walk to music class , me and Karin ( me ) never talk to each other .

( enter the music room )

Karin ( me ) , krystalqa , Erika and leiramae . We all like sooooo shock . Because the music was so beautiful and clean .

Leiramae Pov :

I'm so excited for this music lesson . Because I am the one who are the most know about music . But Karin ( me) was good at singing . I must learnt from her .

Karin Pov :

Whoa!!! So cool . I like it .

When we take our seats , Luhan is music assistant leader . He introduced another music leader . We just smile .

Luhan Pov :

Karin ( me ) , krystalqa, Erika and leiramae . Let me introduce our music leader and also our classmates , Sehun .

Karin ( me) Pov :

When I student was so so handsome , when he walk into this music class . I heared a word : " Sehun "
I was so shock did Sehun just come to human world .
Don't kidding me ! When the student just turn and face the class and us . We are so shock !

It really him ! Sehun !!!

Sehun Pov :

Hi ! Beautiful ladies . Nice to meet you ! I am Sehun . I am your classmate and I am music leader . I had already heard from Ms Rise that have 4 student will transfer to our class . I hope future we will be Friend .

( I think Karin will be shock , because is like that ...... )

[ flashback]

Sehun Pov :

May I come in ! Madam Bella ( principle) .

Madam Bella : you may come in .

Sehun just walk to madam Bella in front and ask for request .....

Madam Bella : oh ! Sehun ? What makes you come here ?

Sehun : madam Bella , may I request for going to human world and study ? I want to study music in SOPA school ?

Madam Bella : in vampire world have a lot of professional music school You can go ? Why , is human world SOPA ( school of performing arts Seoul ) ?

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