Chapter 20 - what Jimin is doing here ???

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Krystalqa Pov:

OH SH*T !!!!! What am I going to do . I just saw jimin in the Convenience Store . What happened to him ?????

Oh I saw he went to the cashier there talking about what ????

Then I just used my power then " hearing "


Jimin : can I have some fever medicine and some .....

Female cashier: oh ??? Wait a minute... Here you go !

Jimin : how much !

Female cashier: total is $40.50 ( something around there )


Krystalqa Pov :

Why !!! Jimin brought those medicine for ??? Who need it !!!

After jimin brought finish his medicine. He just walked out from the Convenience Store . Then I just hind him .

Krystalqa: what wrong with jimin ? Is he sick ? But when I saw him , he kind of healthy. Never mind ! Quickly buy my thing then ....

After buy finish buy thing .... I just go to the nearest playground there to have some rest then ....

What I see is ...... JIMIN again !

Why he still there !!!

I quickly turn back , why today soooooo UNLUCKY for me .... Forever unlucky when i meet jimin . Ha~
I must quickly escape , or else i also don't know what to do .


Other side ,

Karin (me) Pov :

Why this guys ( Suga ) need to seat beside me . And he always staring at me . Make me so nervous .... I can't even eye contract with him ....

Luhan Pov :

This guys ( Suga ) really !!!! Why he always staring at her for . Make me feel uncomfortable , I can't even focus my study now .

( skip )

DING! DONG ! ( recess time )

Karin(me) : yes !!!! Recess is my favourite time !!!

Karin(me) Pov :

Just a sudden .... The.... Suga just say something to me !!!! WHAT!!!!!! THE!!! HEAVEN!!!!

Suga : eermmmm !!! Can we make Friend ?
Karin(me) : eerm.....Can ! Of course can !!! Why not
Suga : can we have breakfast together ?
Karin(me) : Sh..... Ya ... Can ...
Suga : let go then ...

Suga excited , then he just hold and pull her to the canteen . And just left luhan alone in the class .

Luhan Pov :

HO !!!! Why he acting so friendly to Karin . Really make me feel so uncomfortable seeing them together like that . How dare he touch my Karin ....

Until Karin and Suga reached in the canteen .

When Suga and Karin buy the same food , luhan buy the different food to eat . Then when they seat together . Karin and Suga just sit together, face to face , how about luhan . Luhan just sit beside Karin .

Luhan Pov :

HA!!!! Karin and Suga also brought the same food !!!! Sit face to face !!!! Oh my heaven !!!!! I felt so sick to see them like that . I would let this happen again .

Karin (me) Pov :

I felt like luhan , so uncomfortable to see Suga . I saw luhan emotions is like jealous ..... Is he JEALOUS!!!! Hahahaaha ..... But I must say something , or else Suga and luhan is look like enemy ....

Karin(me) : Ermmm ? Luhan ? Where is Sehun ??? He don't want to eat or something ...

Luhan : Sehun !!! Oh !!! He have fan sign program !

Karin(me) : " Fan sign program " sound so interesting. What that for ?

Luhan : later then you know ??? ( mystery smile )
Suga and Karin just look so innocent and cute .

Luhan Pov :

Let see Karin will get jealous of me ......

( skip )

Karin(me) Pov :

What luhan is up to ..... I felt so strange !!!

Suga Pov :

Karin ~ I would let you off this time ... Let see then ... In future , I think you will forever suffer . And you also forever don't know that who is the one that let you suffer . Let see tonight then ....

Back to krystalqa side :

In the playground,

Krystalqa : now what time already ! He still there . Ha ~ what am I going to do . Ha~ then no choice I need to dashed to him . To escape him . ( mumble )

When krystalqa was dashing through jimin side . Just a SUDDEN!!!!! A boy just shout loudly back .

A primary kid boy : SISTER!!!! You had forget to bring  along your thing ???

Krystalqa , a shock face , then is just beside me . Then she quickly ran back to take her thing .
Then unlucky thing is jimin  , get up and walking toward my way standing here .

Krystalqa: OH MY HEAVEN!!!! He walking toward me how ..... Someone help me please . Anyone !!!!

To be continued...

Hey !!! Reader !!!! Is getting excited!!!! Hopes  you all will like it .... Thank you . Annyeong!!! And thank you for liking my second book . Thank you ... (-_-)

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