chapter 42- New Beginning

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(Thanks for all the readers! I changed the way I write! I'll edit the previous chapters later)


"it was a perfect way to shut me up..." said Leon while staring at my eyes.
"I didn't want to ruin the moment with words" I said glacing at his hazel dreamy eyes.
"I love you Violetta. And I actually never stopped and I don't want to be separated from you ever again." He said. I giggled
"Me too. And we will never be separated." I said with a smile.
"I wanna hear it from your voice" he said
"I love you ,Leon. Is it better?" I said waiting for an answer.
"Yes. I just wanted to hear it from you."
"Look Leon we fell in love and took it fast and messed everything up... I don't want to relive the past. I say we forget everything and start over... like the first time we met." I said while placing my hands on his cheeks.
"Okay... sure anything that makes you happy. It starts tomorrow night! I have a surprise!"
"Aww... you already have an idea?"
"Let's just say I always wanted to do something for someone special. And it's YOU."he said and a smile rose on my face bit by bit.
"Okay I'll wait till tomorrow. I'll get dressed and fix myself"
"you don't need to. You always look beautiful" he said and my cheeks became red.
"Stop making me blush"i giggled
"I love it when you get all blushy and cute!"
"I really regret being away from you. This distance make me realize I LOVE YOU. Not that I just have a sudden crush. Or a friendship. Ours was caught on fire.... it became love."
"I don't know how I could sometimes kinda hate you,vilu. Things were really a mess."he said
"Yeah and I am so happy we worked things out"
"I am happy too" I said and we walked back home hand by hand.


N E X T  M O R N I N G
I woke up at the sound of plates and kitchen stuff. I got out of bed and when straight to the kitchen. It was Leon. Trying to cook.
"Good morning" I said.
"Good morning, love" he said with a huge wide smile.
"So... you're in to cooking!? It smells pretty good!"I said wondering what he is preparing.
"Well... actually I am a terrible cook. I was trying to make some pancakes but I guess they are all burn..."he said with a sad face.
"Hey!look up" as he started to look up."No one has ever thought of cooking something to me. Besides I am a terrible cook to. But it will be fun to try to cook together!"
"Thanks for the help vilu. I am sorry I messed it up." He said opening his hands to a hug.
"You gave me a chance to cook with you. You didn't mess up" as I hugged him tight for few seconds.
"Let's get started!" I said while looking for the pancake recipe.
"Aww... I already have all the ingredients out. We just need to mix together."
"Okay. I know few technics my grandma used to teach me. Look we need to break the egg aside make sure no shell got stuck on the egg and add it to the flour and water. Then we mix together. " I said while putting my hand on his and directing him how to mix.
"A bit more..... okay. Now it's fine."
"You have some skills. I'm impressed. And you call that terrible."
"Have you tasted one of my deserts!" I said feeling disgusted.
"Actually I did. It tasted like socks!" He said giggling.
"Well we'll see if your burned pancakes taste better!" I said.
"I am sorry.... i didn't mean it this way and you better not put this junk in your mouth!"
" I won't don't worry! I am not a cat that eats out of garbage!" We both giggle and proceed.
"Okay... next we have the baking powder..."I said and sprinkled some. Then I saw Leon blowing flour on my face. I put some on his nose. He looks so cute. We are actually having fun. But we did do a mess... a big one!
"We played enough! Let's clean up! And I will put the mixture on the pan and make pancakes. What do you want on yours?" I asked.
"Some chocolate please. I will be cleaning this side!"


"I am done ,Leon! Have a seat. I set the table for us!."
"Coming! Just some final cleaning!"
Leon came and sat facing me when everything was perfect. We ate each his pancake and they were delicious. I guess they were made with love... that's why they ended it up to be eatable and tasty.
"Leon we had so much fun! Right?"
I said wondering while he is in his deep thoughts.
"What's wrong Leon?" I say
"Aww... sorry... I was just thinking about the surprise! Our first official true date!"
"I am so excited!!!"
"Not as much as me, vilu. I waited for this my whole life...."
"Well tonight is the night! By the way, is Fran Cami and Stephie still asleep?" I asked.
"Cami went to Broadway and Fran is with Diego! And oh.. Stephie went out I don't know to where! So we are alone!" He said
"Wait a sec. Diego for the studio?"
"Yeah that Diego!"
"OH MY GOD did I move the whole world to New York!!"
"Pretty much!" He said. "The whole studio!"
"But I am happy we are all close friends now! It's really fun to be neighbors next door!" I said while holding Leon's hands.
My phone rings!
I read Dad! For the millionth time he calls and everytime I say I don't want him to call again!
"It's my father! I need to take this. One moment." I said and placed the phone on my ear.
Phone call
Dad: oh my god! Violetta you finally respond!
Vilu:what do you want?
Dad:I just wanted to annouce to you that I am getting married!
Vilu: WHAT!!!!*I SHOUT* to whom?
Dad: Angie.
Vilu: aww... congrats... when is the wedding?
Dad: in a week. Please come as soon as possible.
Vilu: of course and I am getting Leon with me!
Dad: fine... see you later bye!


"My dad and Angie are getting married,Leon" I annouced.
"Aww... congratulations! I'll miss your absence!"
"Actually my father agreed you could come!"
"Great. I would be honored to accompany this beautiful princess to her dad's wedding!"
"I am sorry to interrupt this but I need a few hours to work and then our night!!" I said takimg my thungs and heading to my work place few blocks far.
"Bye Love"
"Bye" I say and close the door while leaving.


A T  W O R K
"Hello boss." I said when I saw my boss Luke nearby my office.
"Hello Violetta... you have a ton to do today! Good luck. I know you are a hard worker!"

thanks for the support! I will do my best"
He leaves and heads to his office.
I look through the files and mails I need to send to different fashion companies. I just thought I would choose some close or talk more fashion. But I was the one in charge of the computer system.
Anyways... I worked for 4 hours and I looked at the hour it was 8 p.m.
I was getting late to my date. I run back home get dressed and waited for Leon to show up. Suddenly the door knows.
I open and find an ice cube and on it written "break me". There was a hammer near by. I took it and broke the ice and found a note in it.

~ now that we have broken the ice... would you go out with me?
P.S: look through your window.~

I went to the window and found Leon in a tux on a tree with food.
"I brought food !" He said.
" come in" I said and grabbed him as he jumped inside.
"Aren't you freezing?" I asked
"I don't care I just want you to be happy!" He said.
" you are the best Leon! It's the best date ever!"
We sat and ate a big pizza together while watching a movie.
" okay ... who am I kidding? I am frozen! Give me a blanket!" He said and I giggled and handled him a cover. He put it on and hugged me while wrapping it on me too.
We fell asleep together.


Well this was quite a romantic chapter! I am sorry but I was planning to get back an old cahracter but I had to work out some events to get what I want to be happening. Old character show up probably next chap.

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