Meeting Saggytits

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I lay on my bed with my carton of juice and animal crackers and watched all of Saggytits's musical.lys.

His sludgy brown, poop coloured eyes stare into mine and I immediately feel a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart.

My name is Margery and I have been obsessed with Saggytits ever since he started making musical.lys.

And finally, after years of waiting I finally was about to meet my idol, Jacob Saggytits.

I was moving primary schools and had I only just found out that I was going to the same one as Saggytits!

My mum may even be able to organise a play date with him, it will be so much fun.

He may even let me touch his none-existent eyebrows!!!

It was finally the first day of primary school, and I have to say I peed myself in delight that morning.

My mum put my hair in pigtails and we walked to school.

The first two lessons had passed by but I still hadn't seen Saggytits.

I was skipping at break time when a figure came up to me and leaned on the wall next to me.

"Damn girl, those pigtails looking fine today."

I couldn't believe it, it was Jacob Saggytits.

This is the first chapte of my story and I hope you liked it!
It's dedicated to all anti- Jacobers!
Saggytits out Xx

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