R.I.P 2 my ears

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After days of strops and tantrums Daddy Saggytits had finally got what he wanted.

A second song.

The super professional music maker people had given into his begging and whining and gone through with the horrible idea.

I had to cut them some slack though, they had already lost 20 people who died while attempting to record Saggytits' song.

Although, the process had been much longer in the second song.

All of the professional music maker people had almost given up hope, because come on its Jacob Saggytits.

We were sitting around a table, Saggytits was beside me and professional music maker people surrounding us.

None of us could think of a name for Jacobs new song.

We needed something original, but not too original.

After all, we know what happened with that shitty stop motion.

I sat and thought however nothing came to mind.

We were about to give up hope when Saggytits got up from his chair.

"Yes" he whispered.

"I have got a prefect name" he said in victory.

"What is your perfect song name Daddy?" I asked.

"Shit or piss" he replied.

Everyone gasped.

A tear drop fell down my face slowly.

It was such a beautiful name, i knew it would be in the charts.

I was so proud of Daddy, he had finally done something productive with his life, besides from making girls drool down their tutus.

Saggytits would be rich and famous and i would be a superstar.

Hey guys, sorry i have not updated in ages i have been really busy!
I hope you enjoy this chapter, even though it is a lot shorter than normal.
Hope you are having/ had a nice summer.

Saggytits out Xx 

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