Telling Saggytits

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I walked into Saggytits' house and saw him colouring in at the kitchen table.

"Hey baby girl" he whispered as i sat down next to him at the table.

His sloppy lips clung onto mine as he attempted to kiss me.

After a while of making out with daddy Saggytits I had to stop.

His pungent breath was getting to much and i almost passed out.

I finally decided to pluck up the courage to talk to Saggytits about my love for salad fingers.

And believe me, he did not take it the right way.

There was fits, tantrums and crying.

He got so worked up that i had to give him a timeout, as he killed his own mother i was the only figure of authority that he had.

"Why do you not love me?" He screamed in my face.

He sounded like an elephant had stepped on his tiny dick.

I couldn't blame the elephant though, i mean he probably does not have a microscopic vision.

I started to understand the reason as to why his eyebrows had left his body so many years ago, as well as his talent.

"But daddy i love salad fingers as well!" I murmured.

Not to mention the fact that salad fingers was much hotter than Jacob.

I mean not to be creepy but FYA FYA.

Plus his dick was actually noticeable and i did not need a microscope to spot it.

"Im hotter then salad fingers though" Jacob screamed through a fit of tears.

Haha he wished.

"The little ten year old blind girls that live down the road told me!" He screached again.

After a while i left his house.

How ungrateful was he.

I mean he cannot just make me let go of salad fingers just because he was jealous.

God, i thought to myself, life being three is so hard.

Sorry this chapter was pretty crap, i kinda rushed it
Hope you are all still enjoying it!
I am thinking of writing a TØP fanfic, let me know if you think i should.
Saggytits out Xx

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