My weird fetish

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As the months went by I became more aware that I was hiding a dirty secret from Saggytits.

You See Jacob was not the only person I had a crush on.

I had always yearned for this special someone.

With extra long body parts and green crisp skin.

Perfect for balsamic dressing.

Yes, I had a crush on salad fingers.

His creepy features lured me in, like a bee to a flower, like Jemima (vomits) to Rolf.

I was scared how Saggytits would react.

He can get very annoyed sometimes.

Especially this one time when he wanted a dog that looked like a gorilla for his birthday, you know a German Sheperd.

However his family would not let him, instead they got him an eye test.

Should have gone to Spec savers.

So anyway, I really did not know how daddy Rolf would react to my weird fetish.

I loved salad fingers so much and could not bear the thought of losing my rusty kettle caresser.

I wanted him to caress me and wrap his long fingers around my small vulnerable body and never let go.

I knew Rolf would not be happy.

But I had to tell him.

If I couldn't tell him now, I would never have the time and courage to tell him.

I walked up to his door and let myself in.

Hey so this chapter is a bit weird 😂
I just want to thank everyone for the support i have been getting, its crazy!
I thought i would give you a couple of facts about myself:
1) My name is Lauren
2) I am from England *teacups clinking*
3) I am obsessed with twenty one pilots
4)I hate Jacob so fucking much 🙂

Thanks again for all the support,
       Saggytits out Xx

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