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I went to school the next day and daddy Saggytits was waiting on the playground for me.                        
"Hey gorgeous, you are so beautiful don't let anyone tell you other than that."

A puddle of drool was forming on the playground.

"Hey Saggytits." 

I spun round and could not believe what I saw. Jemima Cripledass.

"What do you want Jemima leave me and Saggytits alone." I said while hitting her with my famous death glare.

"What do you mean, Saggytits is mine" Jemima scowled and me.

"Go away Jemima, nobody likes you." Saggytits said while putting his arm around me.

"Whatever" Said Jemima before rolling her eyes and walking off.

"Thankyou Saggytits" I sighed.

"I listened to Sweatshirt last night, and my ears only bled a little bit!" I squealed.

"That's cool baby girl. I gotta get to class now, we are doing addition and subtraction!" Saggytits shouted before skipping off to class.

I got home that evening and face timed Saggytits.

"My mum said that she would take us to the park tomorrow. We can play in the sandpit!" Saggytits said.

"Yay! I will be round at 12 o'clock." I told him.

"NO, come round at half past" he shouted as if his house was going to blow up if I came early.

"Oh, ok" I whispered, slightly taken aback.

It was probably nothing but I got a little suspicious as to why I could not come at 12.

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