.:Chapter One:.

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A/N: I won't be having any chapter names cuz I'm horrible at making some up. Hope you enjoy this Travmau Fanfiction!

-NotAnMouse :p


3rd Person POV:

Aphmau wakes up to smell some cookies baking downstairs and an argument between Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan, but she can't pick out what.

"Hey guys. What with all the hustle?" Aphmau asked, Half awake.

Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan freak out not knowing she was right there and that they we're arguing about telling Aphmau
That Valentines Day was tomorrow; her least favourite holiday.

"Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn~Sama were just arguing about telling you that-" As Kawaii~Chan was interrupted with Katelyn's hand covering Her hand hoping she didn't think they were arguing about telling Aphmau about Valentines Day.

"N-Nothing! Absolutely nothing at all! We made pancakes for you, They're on the table!" Katelyn Said In fright hoping she didn't find out about Valentines Day.

"Ok..." Aphmau said curiously.

When Aphmau is in the middle of eating Breakfast, Kawaii~Chan's Cookies were ready, She iced the cupcakes in pink and red icing, Most of them had hearts and having the words 'Happy Valentines Day!' On them. Being no nice, she accidentally gave Aphmau one of the cookies but was never stopped by Katelyn.

"Kawaii~Chan make these cookies for tomorrow!" Kawaii chan said excitedly, forgetting about Aphmau's fear of Valentines Day.

"Thanks Kawaii~Chan!" Aphmau said excitedly. She looked at the cookie she gave her and was full of fear a soon she laid her eyes on the words 'Valentines Day'. Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn Heard the cookie drop and saw Aphmau in fear, but it was already too late.

"Valentines Day!?" Aphmau yelled in fear. "Kawaii~Chan! Why did you give her a cookie!? Katelyn said in anger and
fear" "K-Kawaii~Chan is s-sorry! K-Kawaii~Chan forgot Aphmau~Senpai hated Valentines Day!" Kawaii~Chan cried in
fear. Aphmau had already ran into her room, Horrified, holding herself in a ball, rocking back and forth.


Kawaii~Chan's POV:

Kawaii~Chan feels really bad for giving Aphmau~Senpai one of her cookies. Now Kawaii~Chan is hated by everyone.
Kawaii~Chan wishes she never argued with Katelyn~Sama.


Katelyn's POV:

Kawaii~Chan is so dumb! How could she forget Aphmau's fear?! I swap the only reason she actually forgets it's either Reese or her stupid Shipping Shrine. I wish I never argued with Kawaii~Chan!


Aphmau's POV

I can't believe Valentine's Day is tomorrow! I'm really scared. What is one of the guys take me far away just to ask me? What is they force me? What if they ask Lucinda for a love potion!? Or Irene please help me!


"N-no, this must be a dream." Aphmau said in fear, on the verge of tears. She hears arguing again, but it wasn't coming from Kawaii~Chan or Katelyn, it was coming from Garroth, Laurance and Travis.

"Aphmau is mine this Valentines Day!" Laurance said in High Spirits. Garroth and Travis bursted out laughing, knowing that a casanova like him would never have a chance with Aphmau.

"Yea right! You can't even talk to Aphmau without sounding like a casanova!" Garroth said whilst still laughing at what Laurance said.

"Well you can't even look her in the eye without blushing!" Laurance said fiercely.

"BUUURRNNN!" Travis yelled "But, just to settle this argument, we all know who is getting Aphmau this year, me!"

"Like you will! You can't Flirt with the girls without being beaten up!" Garroth Yelled

"Whatever! That was me ages ago! This time, I'm changing!" Travis said

"You literally just flirted with Katelyn's this morning when she was getting the mail. That was 10 minutes ago, and you still got beaten up!" Laurance reminded Travis.

"Ohh~ yea, I forgot about that, my cheek still hurts though, ow! She can pack quite a punch!" Travis said felling the sharp pain in his cheek.

Once Aphmau had heard the whole thing, she was mortified for the day, she checked her calendar, she found out it was
tomorrow. Aphmau pulled the covers over her body and kept rocking back and forth, can't handling the fact that Valentine's Day was tomorrow.

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