.:Chapter Four:.

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A/N Hope you guys are doing great! I don't have much to say so... Bye!



3rd Person POV:

Aphmau waits at the park, next to the fountain. Not long after, Travis arrives with something behind his back.

"Aphmau! Nice to see you again!" Travis said excitedly.

"Y-yea.. So what did you want to talk about?" Aphmau asked.

"Well...There was something I wanted to ask you something.." Travis said a little quietly...

"Laurance! Get ready..." Garroth said whispering.

"What's the plan again Garroth?" Laurance asked whispering.

"Since we're behind Aphmau, you use the large bag and the rope to tie her up and take her to our basement. But the boxes around her, so Travis can't find her, we will keep her there until Travis gives up on finding her. One he has, that's when we make our move, we tell him that's she's dead. Got it? I'll use this smoke bomb to make it easier while I push Travis away." Garroth explained quietly.

"Ok, on three" Laurance said quietly




"Now!" Laurance yelled.

The smoke bomb had been thrown in between the two and Aphmau had passed out. Laurance got her and we ran away
while Travis had fallen, trying to get back up. Aphmau body was starting to get cold, to they rushed to their house without Dante finding out, some how.

"It's been twenty minuets and she hasn't woken up, should we be worried?" Questioned Laurance.

"No need, I think she's waking up now!" Garroth exclaimed.

"Ok." Laurance said.

"T-Travis? Where are you?" Aphmau's trying to see where she was.


Aphmau's POV:

All I remember is talking to Travis, then passing out. Now I'm here? Where am I? Hello? Garroth? Laurance? Help!


Once Aphmau has said 'help' Garroth and Laurance came down to talk with her.

"Hello, Aphmau." Garroth said

"Garroth! Oh thank Irene you're here. Can you help me? I'm a bit stuck." Aphmau asked.

"I'm afraid we can't. You see, Travis was going to confess to you his feelings. We don't want that." Garroth said.

"So, we are keeping you here until further notice. We will let you out, but you must stay in this house. All doors and windows will be locked." Laurance said.

"W-why... I thought you guys were my friends..." Aphmau said on the verge of tears. She didn't want this. She just wanted to be happy with who ever she wanted to be with. Why did she have to have friends like this?

"We will leave the door open if you want to come out. If so one is visiting us, you will be forced into the basement untill they leave. Have a nice stay." Garroth said.

"*sniff* o-ok..." Aphmau said upset.

Garroth and Laurance leave leaving the door open for Aphmau, but she was crying on the floor, so worried she would never be seen again. But so one else opens the door; Travis, but Aphmau was unseen.


Hope you liked the story!

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