Part Føur

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Tyler found it odd that Josh wasn't responding. Maybe he was just tired or something, right? No, this didn't seem right. Tyler sighed and turned to face Josh, shifting from his comfortable laying position. 

"Josh, is everything alright?"

"Shhh, I'm sleeping."

Tyler just looked at him for a moment, seeing how determined he was to remain alone was torturing Tyler but there was nothing he could do. So, he forced himself to fall asleep, his arm stretching to wrap itself around Josh's hips. Josh shivered at the touch, moving farther away from Tyler, breaking the boy's heart.

That night was tiresome for Josh; he had to pretend he was momentarily okay though we all know he's about the farthest thing from okay. Tyler fell asleep rather quickly due to his medication whereas Josh kept tossing and turning all night long. It haunted him: the men he'd killed to save Tyler, to save himself even. He could see their faces and at night, that's when they came out to play. 

Why don't you join us?

Are you a coward, Josh?

Yeah, you're a coward. Too scared to join us.

It's your fault we're here, come out and play.

Their voices echoed in his head constantly. He'd be lying if he said he didn't consider it, to join them. By some miracle, Josh manages to fall asleep, waking up early the next morning as always. When he turned his head, he saw Tyler's sleeping face. That's the reason he was still alive and breathing. For Tyler. He felt bad when he remembered last night's events. His attitude towards Tyler especially. Josh turned over, smiling as he fell on top of him. He squeeze his body hard and kissed his face, Josh's lips moving down towards his neck.

Tyler woke up at the sudden feeling of lips on his skin and weight on his chest. His vision was blurry but he saw it: he saw Josh on top of him.

"Joshhh...what-what are you doing?"

"Loving you." Josh's voice was seductive and Tyler lets out a semi-coherent moan as Josh's lips moved further down his chest.


They both sat at the dining table: Josh eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes while Tyler just stared at him, biting into a deliciously red apple.



"What happened last night?"

Tyler was strict forward and when Josh lifted his head up, his could see the fury building up in Tyler's eyes. Behind his eyelids were islands of violence. 

"I was tired."

Tyler wasn't convinced and he creased his eyebrows once more, unimpressed.

"You've been tired a lot lately."


"Josh, I'm your boyfriend for crying out loud! I love you and I care what you think, I care about you. So, please, you gotta talk to me. Babe, what's going on?"

Josh just looked at Tyler, it took everything in him to lie but he had to.

"Tyler, I promise you I'm fine. Don't worry about me, okay?"

Josh got up and put his dishes in the kitchen sink before heading back to his room and getting dressed. He came back to kiss Tyler goodbye, as he ran a hand through his ruffled mess you'd call hair.

"I gotta go do something, I'll be back soon. I love you."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I'll be back!"

I Prefer The Drummer (Book 2 // Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now