Part Føurteen

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Both boys fell asleep on the couch of their new tour bus. They rented one for their European tour which was heading straight for France. Their next show was in Paris, the city of love and Josh had never been so excited. Butterflies floated around in his stomach and up his spine, the shivers driving him wild.

Josh opened his eyes gently and looked around to confirm they weren't there yet. He looked back down at the comfortable Tyler who shifted slightly, nudging his head deeper into Josh's chest. The smile on Josh's face in this very moment was irreplaceable. The way he felt right now was beyond perfection. He watched as Splashy hid into the crease of Tyler's folded arms. He was perfectly fine taking his time on their ride, after all, that would only extend their moment.

He doesn't when or how, but sometime between that moment and now, Josh managed to fall back asleep only to be woken up by voices and the sudden silent. The engine was turned off and Allan was hovering over them, calling their names until Tyler opened his eyes.

"We're in Paris, mes amis!"

"Already? That was fast."

Tyler lifted himself up onto his elbows then pushed himself up fully. He raised his arms and stretched as if his life depended on it. Splashy jumped onto Josh's lap and began climbing up till he reached Josh's shoulder. His little tongue darted out and licked Josh's cheek, causing his dimples to pop as he smiled, eyes widening.

"Good morning, sleepy head."

"It's 9 in the afternoon."

"Don't you mean evening?"

Tyler burst out laughing at Josh's sleepy confusion and Josh hid his face in embarrassment.

"Shut up!! I'm hungry, okay!"

"How about some Paris crêpes"

"That sounds delicious right now, oh my."

Tyler smirked and jumped up, pulling Josh up as well, not bothering to let go of his grip on Josh's hand. Allan opened the door for them, and both boys jumped out, feet landing on the pavement. As they begin walking, they noticed the ground was made of rocks in a brick-like pattern, instead of asphalt. There were no holes at all. Their color resembled a mixture of charcoal gray, black and a dark brown. It was overall, both beautiful and ancient.

They walked hand in hand down the Paris streets for a little longer until Tyler's eyes landed on a corner Café that was dimly lit and covered by a large rectangular parasol. It was beautiful. The stars in the sky illuminated the roads beautifully in comparison to boring old street lamps that lingered with a layer of cobwebs and flies.

Tyler waited patiently at the corner of the street and watched as the cars respectfully drove with precision, their plates making Josh giggle. They were long and rectangular, thin even. He thought them to be more aesthetic than the American ones. Finally, the light turned red and the crossing path was filled with pedestrians.

Once they arrived at the other side, they immediately headed to the door of the Café where they were greeted by a young woman wearing a nametag that read: Sophie.

"Bonjour, bienvenue chez Café des 2 Moulins, voulez-vous manger dehors ou à l'intérieur?"

Josh looked at her with his jaw hanging low, her thick french accent was beautiful but he couldn't understand a thing she said. Tyler smiled at her and spoke, liberating Josh of the awkward tension he possessed.

"Um, we don't speak french."

"That is okay, I speak English, too. Eat inside or eat outside?"

Her English was poor through the teeth of her French accent but neither of them minded, it was better than nothing, of course.

I Prefer The Drummer (Book 2 // Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now