Part Fifteen

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Josh and Tyler yawned on their way out from the Paris venue they'd just performed in. Tonight's show was one of their best, both boys were pumped full of adrenaline and everything had gone perfectly smooth. They headed back to their tour bus and Josh took a quick shower before joining Tyler who was already fast asleep in his little bunk. They weren't supposed to sleep two in these and that was because it barely had room for one, but Josh really needed Tyler. He really needed to wrap his arms around him and hold him tightly, pressing kisses to his head every once in a while. That's exactly how they fell asleep.


"Alright, wake up, Tyler!!"

Josh shook him slightly until he brought one hand to his left eyes, rubbing it harshly in an attempt to wipe away his fatigue. When his vision became clear, he noticed two bright eyes staring back at him.


Josh giggle, his lips turning into a pleasant grin then his eyes squinting, until they eventually closed as he laughed. That sight right there was honestly the greatest thing Tyler's ever seen. The dimples that covered Josh's face made him a hundred times cuter than he already was, according to Tyler, but he's a reliable source, of course.

"Tyjo, let's go!"


"It's a surprise."

They woke up in another country, quite typical for Josh but for Tyler, since he had forgotten, it was an exhilarating journey every day. Today, though, they were in England. In London to be more precise and Josh had a special surprise. Something he'd been planning for a long time.

They both got dressed then jumped out the bus, Tyler amazed by every single detail he'd see. Josh is not exaggerated when he says he had to wait three whole minutes while Tyler chased a butterfly down the boulevard, halting completely still and watching it. He swears he heard Tyler actually talking to the butterfly. 

Josh grabs his hand as they head down to a busy street, just for his own safety. He doesn't need to babysit Tyler in fear that he'll run off anytime. Yes, he's referring to his 27-year-old boyfriend. Their first stop is a café around noon, Josh's favourite thing when travelling to different countries is trying their coffees and in this case, their tea. Josh can't live without Red Bulls and coffee and that's a fact.

Tyler and Josh both enjoy some scones along with a nice cup of tea in the high rise of London. It's packed with people but they don't care, they're too focus on one another. As soon as they leave the café, a drizzle of rain starts to fall from the sky and Tyler runs, Josh forcibly following him.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Away from this rain!"

Tyler settles underneath a large tree, in a quiet park, sitting on a comfy dry bench. As soon as Josh sits down, Tyler pulls out his phone and shows him the weather.

"You know in Canada where we just were, their weather is even crazier. They had thunderstorms, clouds, snow and a slight drizzle, just this week. So, it could be worst."

Josh laughs and agrees, getting back up and dragging Tyler along with him.

"Wait, Josh! The rain!"

"You said it yourself, Ty, it could be worst."

"Where are we going?"

"I have something for you."

Josh and Tyler head downtown, where they take a double decker bus to the most beautiful sight in London. One of them, at least. Once they get there, Tyler stops in his tracks, barely capable of holding back tears simply at the sight. It was gorgeous. He stood in front of what must have been the world's biggest Ferris wheel of all time. It was huge and everything about it was nothing but a dream come true.

"Josh, it's beautiful."

"Isn't it?"

Josh grabbed his hand and pulled Tyler to the line where they waited a fair amount of time in line under the drizzle of rain. When it was finally their turn, both boys went inside the pod, along with another dozen or so tourists, anxiously waiting as the doors closed.

Then it began, the pod went up, high to the top and halted, letting us enjoy the beautiful view. Josh looked at Tyler and pulled him to the side, where you could see the perfect view of the queen's home and the water under the bridge. The wheel lit up and the sun had dissipated, a mesmerising sunset taking place. Everything in this moment was perfect, nothing could have been better. Yet, Josh managed to make it all simply magical.


Tyler turned his eyes for a brief moment, meeting Josh's and they lit up, his concentration now on his boyfriend.

"I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, okay? Everything we've been through, everything we've accomplished, I couldn't have done any of it without you by my side. Before and after the accident, regardless of when you were always there for me and I've always tried my hardest to be there for you. I almost lost you, on more than one occasion and I can't even begin to describe how lost and destroyed I would have been without you. I don't ever want to spend another day away from you. In time, most people will part, but were some of the lucky ones who've gotten the chance to lean closer together."


"Tyler Robert Joseph," Josh interrupts him, bending down on one knee and he pulled out the familiar box out of his right pocket. When he opened it, a gold and silver ring shined through, Tyler barely capable of seeing it through teary eyes. "Will you do me the honors and marry me?"

You could hear the anticipation in the air along with a thick sense of suspense as the crowd's attention was now focused on nothing but the pair of lovers. Tyler's breath has stopped and his lungs had somehow forgotten to contract as he looked at Josh, tears rushing down his face and a smile even words couldn't describe. He nodded his head and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"YES! Of course, I will, Josh, YES YES YES!"

Josh jumped up and smiled, sliding the ring onto Tyler's shaky hand. They sealed their love with a deep and passionate kiss, barely making out the cheers from their surrounding crowd. It wasn't until the pod opened its doors to let everybody out that Tyler and Josh finally parted from one another. The two of them cheered and along with the crowd, they made their way back to the tour bus in order to get ready for tonight's show. They had a lot to say, the clique would be expecting one hell of a night.

When they opened the door, Allan got out, followed by 3 police officers who had a mean look painted on their face.

"Allan, what-what's going on?"

"Boys, these officers are looking for you."

Tyler and Josh backed out onto the street and let the three officers exit the bus, one of them walking directly towards Tyler.

"Tyler Joseph, you're under arrest for the murders of Thomas Mumford, Gabriel Penfill, and Adam West."

"Wait, what?"

"Joshua Dun, you're also under arrest for the murders of Thomas Mumford, Gabriel Penfill, and Adam West."

"Josh, what's happening!"

Tyler couldn't breathe and his anxiety was devouring him as the cop pushed him up against the side of the bus and pulled his arms back, handcuffs already burning his skin. Josh was watching this until the next cop came over and did the same to Josh, pushing him up beside Tyler.

They were taken into two different cars and by the time any of them could process what was happening, they were pulling up to the nearest police station. There was absolutely nothing they could do.

[Next Book: Take It Slow]

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