Part Twelve

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Josh was flipping tables, he couldn't think nor focus and he had to be on stage in less than 10 minutes. Tyler was a few feet from him, a tambourine in his hands, which he twisted with his fingers, making it rotate.

"Ready boys?"

Tyler nodded and walked by Josh's side, Michael just passing by to warn them. When he left, Tyler turned to face Josh. He doesn't think he's seen him up close this week, it crushed him. When Tyler's eyes met Josh's, he noticed his dilated pupils, his shaking body, and his shaking shoulders. He was sweating and his face was so red, Tyler wasn't sure whether or not he was about to fall.

"Josh? Are you alright?"

Those were the first words he's heard out of Tyler in a week. Other than his singing, obviously. When his named rolled off Tyler's tongue, it was music to his ears and Josh broke down. He started to bawl and fell to his knees, hiding his face in his hands. Tyler watched in shock, unsure of what was happening. This was the first time this week he's actually seen Josh with any emotions. Though, he was to blame since he left the room every moment Josh tried to speak.

"Hey, Josh, please remove your hands from over your eyes for me."

Tyler kneeled down in front of him and grabbed Josh, pulling him into a tight and long overdue hug. The boy quickly removed his hands that covered his eyes and hugged him back. They both needed it more than they could ever admit. After a few minutes, Tyler pulled back and wiped away Josh's tears with his thumb, placing a soft kiss underneath each his red eyes. Tyler could taste the salted tears and that broke his heart. 

"We'll talk more after the show, alright? Are you gonna be okay?"

Josh nodded, wiping his eyes and standing back up. Tyler nodded back to him, reassuring him and they walked out on stage, greeting the ten thousand fans that filled the room. They played an amazing show, Josh miraculously able to stay calm and focus enough to remain unnoticed. He had Tyler to blame for that, this boy was perfectly handcrafted from God himself.

Once the show was over, they headed back to their bus, and Josh took a shower. Tomorrow morning, they were on a plane to Germany for their European tour. Tyler was just finishing to pack the remainder of his things, closing up his suitcase. When he finished, he could still hear the shower and he figured, after the day and night Josh had, he must be exhausted. So, Tyler thought he'd help him out by packing for him.

He began to go through his clothes, rolling it and packing it safely in Josh's suitcase. He was almost finished when he grabbed Josh's hoodie, something falling out his pocket.

"What the-"

Tyler bent down to pick it up and gasped at the sight, he was holding a baggie of drugs. Of cocaine?! Why the hell did Josh have this? Where the hell did he even get this? That's when the water shut off and Josh got out the shower, opening the door and walking out in his boxers and a t-shirt, still dripping wet, of course. He saw Tyler and the drugs and time was slowing and it's frozen still, like himself.

"That's why you were acting so weird tonight, isn't it?"

"Tyler, I can explain."

Tyler sighed and put it down, grabbing Josh's hand and pulling him towards the back of the bus where there was a large couch that was the size of a double bed. There was a TV in that room but the boys rarely had any time to even use it.

Tyler pulled him on the bed and closed the little curtain, giving them their privacy. Before Tyler could even speak, he grabbed Josh's towel and ruffled up his red hair, drying it along with his arms and legs. Once Josh was dry enough for his standards, he tossed the towel aside and took a deep breath.

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