Part Five

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Josh has his new pill. He starts this morning. 

Day 1

Josh rolled out of bed, not even bothering to throw on a pair of sweats; he was comfy in his navy blue boxers. He heads to the kitchen where he finds his boyfriend sipping coffee by the window, it was open and Tyler had torn the curtains off. He was sitting with his right leg resting on top of his left one, both of them on a footstool. Tyler wore loose pajama pants and Splashy was laying in his lap as he read over more of their music. Josh can't think of a better view, to him he'd seen it all. If he were to die right now, he'd be totally fine with that because he's seen everything the world has to offer.

But he doesn't want to die. Because right now, this very instant, is the one he's fantasized about for all his life. The one he used to picture late at night when he contemplated his own existence. 

"Good morning!" Tyler looks up at Josh when he speaks, locking eye contact. Josh smiles when Tyler responds, his voice still groggy from a good night's sleep. 


Josh leaps across the living room and kisses Tyler's soft lips. He tastes like coffee, Josh decides but who is to care anyway? He loved coffee, but something about tasting it on Tyler's lips made it a million times better. Josh grabs Splashy in his arms and caresses him as the little kitten meows.

"Awww...You guys are adorable."

Tyler chuckles and Josh is smiling. Right now, he feels so amazing and everything in him feels ecstatic. Josh heads to the bathroom, putting Splashy back down on Tyler's toned legs, and he shuts the door. He struggles with the pill bottle a little at first, but he finally manages to pop the lid open. He looks down at the pills. He takes three and swallows them. They're 25mg each. On the bottle, it's indicated that he needs food, so he goes back to make himself a nice breakfast.

"You'll never guess what happened to me yesterday." Tyler has a grin on his face as he starts to talk. Josh doesn't interrupt him, he simply stands in the kitchen which is a few meters from their living room and he's mixing together eggs, peppers, and cheese.

"What happened?" Josh remains polite and Tyler speaks.

"Well," Tyler has light in his eyes as he talks, he's so innocent and sweet and Josh feels lucky. "I was walking to the pet shop to pick up Splashy when some random girls stopped me in the streets. They were two teenage girls and you'll never guess what happened next."

It's not that Josh wasn't interested, he was, but he was simply really concentrated on his omelet.

"Josh? You listening?"

"Huh?" Josh turned around, dropping his omelet on the floor and cursed under his breath. "Shit!"

Tyler jumped to his feet, Splashy jumping out his lap and ran over to Josh. "Josh, you alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just tired, that's all." Josh cleaned up the mess and set his dishes in the kitchen sink, turning back to face Tyler. "Anyway, what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"In your story, with the girls yesterday."

"Oh yeah!" Tyler got back on track rapidly, soon regaining his train of thought. "They asked for my autograph! Can you believe it? I signed my name on a piece of paper and that somehow changed their entire lives. Weird."

"Haha, what can I say? Everybody loves you! Especially me." Josh planted a kiss on Tyler's lips, deepening it slightly for only a moment, then he's pulling away. "I think I'm gonna go back to bed."

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