Chapter 7

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Buttercups P.O.V.

I flew as fast as I could away from them as possible. Just two more minutes tell I get to my hiding spot.Two minute later I got to the moonlight waterfall. I flew throught the water fall and into the secret hole in the wall.eversence I found that whole in the waterfall I would come here when I was sad or angery.something about watching the waterfall from inside the wall makes me calm. I just can't belive she said that.

Shit I forgot my hoodie and my backback on the bench at the park.I thought.

Its so cold here now that I think about it.

Wait whats in my pocket.As I look I saw my 100% charged phone and my earbuds. Lucky me I guess.

Well I think I will be safe here so I guess I will play so music now.I looked on my playlist to try and fined somthing to listen to.I finally choose quiet by lights.I may be a tomboy put that doesn't mean I only listen to rock and pop songs.

As the song played(the video above is the song) I started to calm down and fall asleep. I couldn't stay up anymore I looked at my clock to check the time realy quick it was 10:00pm.then I fell asleep.

"Is she alive ?I heard someone ask.
Yeah she is breathing I just don't know how long she was here for.Should I wake her up...HOLY SHIT shes freezing you know what all call you back man.

I opened my eyes to meet dark red ones.They were bricks eyes.

Shit Buttercup can you hear me are you ok."he asked

Brick.....were am I."I asked

Your inside a waterfall freezing your ass off.he replied.

I was finally awake, I looked at me phone it was 3:00am.

Shit I have been here for few hours now.I said

Are you ok bc brick asked

Peachy brick just peachy I said

Don't lie to me buttercup.he answered

Well what do you want me to say brick ,that im ok, that I will be fine? I asked starting to tear up.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a hug.I tried to get away but his grip tightened. He whispered somthing that was ment to be silent but I ended up hearing"Just let me love you Buttercup".I ended up losing cause I was hurt and weak.I did end up hugging back because I needed it.

Do you want to go home now Bc ? He asked as he let me go.

No anywhere but their I said with a emotionless tone

Wanna sleep at my house tell you get better ? He asked

yes sorry you have to take care of a baby like me.I said

Your not a baby bc your a tough teenage girl.And a great friend.he said grabbing my hand he was about to let go when I held on tighter. He smiled at me so I smiled at him to but it was kind of weak.I know hes just trying to be nice so I wanna return the favor.

Are you ready he asked me

Yeah I grabbed my phone and earbuds and but them in my pocket, he picked me up bridal style at flew out of the waterfall.I hugged his neck so I could hold on.
We got their in less than two minutes.As we started to go down I seen boomer and butch flying to us. I thought they would give me dirty looks and yell at me but the didnt.

BC! Are you ok asked butch.I was surprised but I just said Yeah im ok just tired thats all.

Are you sure?"asked boomer

Yeah thank you

Your welcome they said at the same time.

Were are the girls?"I asked

There at home now"said boomer.I just nodded.we went inside, brick put me down and ran upstairs to get somthing. for a second and I instantly started crying in pain.Boomer and butch turned and ran to my side butch on the left and boomer on the right.

Whats wrong buttercup are you ok ?!"boomer asked in panic

The pain was unbearable it was in my side.I could only shake my head no.
Butch grabbed me bridal style at told boomer to get brick and fast.Boomer shot upstairs quick as a flash.Wow I never knew they cared about us next thing you know butch and bubbles are cuddling and the rrb arr taking care of me........wait one minute! Are they just acting like they care just to get to the girls , oh hell no im not going to be used damn it i got all soft. when butch left to go get somthing "for me" I quietly painful tip-toed to the door opened it slid out and closed the door I snook around bushes so they couldn't she me.I would of flew but they would have seen my green streke and come after side hurted. Then I realized maybe I shouldn't go back home for a while.Then my phone started was brick.

I let it go to voicemail. A few minutes later he called back.He did this fifteen times then he stopped.Then he left a message on my said......

Buttercup ! Were the fuck are you and why the hell did you leave.You are hurt and need help please call me so I can come and get you! If you don't I will get the girls to help me fined you so please dont make me do that.please just let me help, if you think I dont care about you your wrong

That was it then boomer and butch kept on calling. I am never gonna give it , im to strong for that.

"Buttercup! Yelled brick running to me.I was about to fly when he grabbed my hand and turned me around.

What the hell buttercup! He hissed as I tried to break from his grasp.

Let me go damn it! I dont want your help! I hate you and you hate me , you dont care about me so shop lieing to yourself and me! I screamed

Stop running im here to help you if you like it or not for one.two your the one lieing saying you hate me cause i dont.three I do care im not a heartless monster.he yelled

I started to see my vision getting blurry.

See buttercup your still hurt let me help you.

I started to lose consciousness the last words I heared before I fainted was

Let me love you...

Wow never thought this was gonna get so many hits.Thanks for reading my book.I will update this weekend. And I wanted to thank FunnyIsMyLastName for helping me with the story and giving me ideas and start reading FunnyIsMyLastName's new book "Thats how we rock babe"its great I love it well bye guys♥♡♥♡♥

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