Chapter 1 KoJo's Mojo

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"Come on just stay down", Kojo griped as she frantically patted down her frizzy, reddish brown hair. She had spent nearly 30 minutes in the girl's bathroom staring in the mirror, trying to tame her mane, and she was stressed because she didn't want to be late for homeroom.

However, she couldn't go into homeroom with her hair looking like a bird's nest. Homeroom was a highly visible period for her. Molly Cannon, and her Fabulous Five were in that homeroom and KoJo had been trying to hang out with them for years. Especially now, since her best friend Hannah was preoccupied with her boyfriend Bobby these days. Speaking of Bobby and Hannah, they too were in her homeroom, along with Bobby's extremely attractive friend Max. And to say KoJo had a crush on Max was an understatement.

Kojo sighed and glanced at her watch. She had only fifteen minutes until the bell rang. She dropped her bookbag onto the green and blue tiled floor of the bathroom and pulled out her hair kit. Unlike freshman and sophomore year, she was paying much more attention to her looks this year and carried around an emergency kit filled with makeup, hair products and accessories.

Working quickly, Kojo gripped the wild edges of her hair and started to braid. Her thin, nimble fingers worked quickly as she braided three large braids on the crown of her head. She quickly rubberband them to stay put and added butterfly accessories to decorate...Mariah Carey style.

Smiling at herself in the mirror, knowing she had nailed her look, she took out a  can of hair spray and misted it over her reddish-brown curls to add gloss and shine. 

"Now why didn't you do this before", KoJo asked herself as the bell rang. She packed her stuff and power-walked down the busy corridor of O'Shaughnessy's. The environment felt so familiar, almost comforting to KoJo. 

KoJo had been going to O'Shaughnessy's School for the Gifted since the sixth grade when her family made the move from Florida to Michigan for her dad's new job. Her dad's new six figure salary allowed the already exceptionally bright KoJo, to enroll in the expensive private school nearly four years ago. Situated in Detroit's financial district, mostly kids whose parents worked in big firm's attended the school. Everyone was wealthy, and the school had an extremely active political culture that took KoJo some getting used to. Like hanging out with Molly and her Fabulous Five meant some totally sweet social perks. How different would life be if only she were popular. Perhaps she would actually have a date for the Spring Formal.

KoJo felt relief as she walked into the classroom behind several other students who were also cutting it close just as she. She hated walking into any room alone as it placed all the attention on her.

"Cute hair KoJo", Randa Michael's, a member of the Fabulous Five shouted out as Kojo took her seat next to Hannah and Bobby.

"Thanks", KoJo said coolly.

"Yeah way cool", Hannah said flipping her blonde hair. "You are totally rocking your African roots."

"Just trying to br creative", KoJo said, shrugging her shoulders.

"My baby knows all about being creative", Hannah said turning towards Bobby and  planting a kiss on his lips.

KoJo rolled her eyes. If Bobby was so creative, he would be graduated by now. Dude was like 20 in the 11th grade. The only reason he wasn't kicked out of O'Shaugnessy's was because his father owned half of Detroit's real estate.

"Hey Kojo are you coming to my gig tonight", Bobby asked as Hannah let him up for air.

No, Kojo thought.

"Oh yeah Hannah told me about that", Kojo said instead, hoping Bobby would drop it. 

"Its gonna be at this place called the Gold Dollar", Bobby said. "You definitely need to come."

"Hey Kojo check this out", Max said, laughing. 

Kojo's heart beat faster as Max's voice mentioned her name. "The Gold Dollar used to be a drag queen club a couple of year's ago."

"Ugh, your point Max", Hannah said, sounding like Cher from Clueless.

"Just trying to get her to come", Max said winking at KoJo ], who blushed.

"By talking about drag queens Max, really", Hannah said rolling her eyes. "But you should come KoJo, I don't want to be alone."

Of course Hannah is only trying to drag her there to use her, Kojo thought.

 KoJo didn't even like Bobby's type of music. It was "garbage" rock or garage punk or something like that. There was a pretty active scene in Detroit centered around the music, and Hannah, who had previously been a hardcore Britney Spears fan, was all in it now. She was even learning to play guitar, and trying to convince KoJo to learn drums so they could perform.

"I don't know guys", KoJo said. "I got a couple of papers due and I still need to find a date for Spring Formal...."

"If you come tonight, I can introduce you to someone", Bobby said. "I think this one guy will like you in particular, he is crazy about red heads, and he was lame and didn't go to his prom. Plus, he's pretty good at helping girls find their MoJo too, just ask his ex wife."

"Haha, Kojo's Mojo", Max said.

Kojo rolled her eyes. Ever since Bobby had met her, he was obsessed about finding "Kojo's MoJo" or some shit like that. He tried to explain that it was just helping her realize what she's good at, but KoJo couldn't help but think there was some deep down perverted meaning to Kojo's MoJo.

"No Bobby you are not setting my best friend up with any of those  pervy creepazoids you know."

"No babe, Jack isn't a creepazoid. He's only 23, and he doesn't smoke pot or drink....much."

"Guys no its fine", KoJo said. "I'll come okay. Just no setting me up or awkward introductions, I am already gonna be totally out of my league here."

"Wear your Bob Dylan knee high socks, and that cute short blue camo skirt and you'll totally fit in."

"I've got to see this skirt", Max said. 

KoJo blushed again and nodded, hoping for the conversation to end.

"Pick you up at seven", Bobby said. "Hopefully KoJo's MoJo is gonna get found tonight."

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