Chapter 3: Crush

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"I'm home-"

"Yuu-oniichan! Why were you talking so lo-"

Nao peeked behind Yuu, waving her right hand as a greeting.

"Wow! Tomori-oneechan!" Instead of just waving hands at each other, Ayumi now approached her with a hug. She had openely begun doing this since the moment she found out that Yuu and Nao are already going out.

"Thank you for keeping your promise..." Said Nao, a smile on her lips, tears on the corner of her eyes. "I'm really, really happy you came back."

"You held me when I was about to go down, you were there. Even if it was just a phrasebook, it was still your presence I felt. You helped me get back to my feet before I time-leaped to save Ayumi. You helped me change my psychotic attitude back then..."

Humming, Ayumi accidentally passed by the room where Nao and Yuu were. From there, she began to overhear the following words and noises.

"You made drastic changes in my life, only to put me on a correct path. We had a rough start but I don't regret any of those. I was and still is happy that I've met you. I guess, that's thanks to my brother?"

Nao laughed. "Your brother probably planned this all along," she joked.

"You know," began Yuu. "You should...," gazing away, Yuu continued. " often."

"Where's that coming from?"

"Well, it's just that you look prettier when you do."

"Hm, I see," was the only reply she did. Nao wasn't really the type of person who would react over something like this. She didn't even look affected when Yuu confessed to her. Though she didn't say she felt the same, the words "I'll be waiting" was enough to know what she really feels towards Otosaka Yuu.

"Tomori Nao," started the lad. "I love you."

With such a sweet smile, Nao answered. "I love you too, Otosaka Yuu."

"I'm sorry but seeing you like that makes me feel like... I..."

Using both of her little hands, she covered her mouth from screaming because of excitement. What she assumed before turned out to be true. Ayumi started panicking deep inside.


"Hey, 'Tomori' is fine. I'm not used to that; it sounds weird."

Yuu approached the pig-tailed female, and gently pushed her against the bed. "I'm sorry, I can't hold it in any longer-"

"YUU-ONIICHAN, TOMORI-NEECHAN, IT'S TIME TO EAT!" Was the only thing Ayumi could say to stop this from happening. The little girl knew she was wrong, but they weren't in the right age either. She was smart enough to tell what was going on. Unless... That is How-Low-Hello.

"That's your cue to stop. You really are different from your siblings," mocked Nao then stood from the bed. There were small chuckles escaping her mouth as she made her way to open the door and tend to Ayumi. "Yes, coming!" She said then went outside.

'Geez,' he made a silly chuckle and shook his head slightly.

"I haven't prepared anything yeeeeet!" She said, panicking. "I didn't know onee-chan's going to visit," she continued, now releasing comical tears.

Nao pinched Ayumi's cheeks. "It's okay, really. I just came here to ask you something," her right hand travelled on the little one's head, petting it gently.

"Really? Ehh...," she expressed with a disappointed tone. "Ayu thought Yuu-oniichan and Tomori-oneechan were here because they're dating."

"Hey, if we're going to date, it wouldn't be in here. That's-"

"Pretty much I can see. Actually, you're right, Ayumi-chan," she, once again, had mocked the lad. This time, Yuu made no reaction, but only a sweat drop on his side.

"A date in the house? That makes me remember last time when... Yuu-oniichan and Tomori-neechan... In onii-chan's room... They were... Um..."

Nao blinked in question, waiting for the remaining words Ayumi was about to say.

D-Did she overhear...?

Immediately, blushes spread themselves across Yuu's face. Hiding his panic, he began speaking to his little sister. "Whatever that is, that's not important. So just forget about it and listen to everything your big sister's going to ask you."

"Ehhhh, okay, Yuu-oniichan."

The three sat on the floor, Ayumi facing the two adults.

"Did you feel anything when the light struck us?"

Isn't that too straight to the point?

"Now that nee-chan mentioned it... I accidentally crushed the spoon while I was cleaning them. Was that a part of the star we saw?"

Nao and Yuu exchanged looks. "I see. So she developed powers too. It isn't Collapse, but Crush," mumbled the female to her boyfriend. Now glancing back to Ayumi, Nao continued. "Can we go outside? I need to see and confirm something."

The three of them went outside the apartment, now looking over the lower floors. "Yuu, please carry Ayumi-chan on your back. And then, Ayumi-chan, concentrate your mind on the ground and try crushing them."

"Isn't that too much?"

"We'll see."

Yuu did as what he was told. He carried Ayumi on his shoulders so she could see the ground fully.

On the other hand, Ayumi glared at the ground as it slowly broke apart.

She's really crushing the ground!

"I see...," mumbled Nao; that sound made Ayumi stop executing more of her ability. "You can use your ability at certain parts," shrugged the older female. "Well, if we need crushed ice, that would be a great help," she said, smiling widely at the thought of having cold drinks while eating her favourite Beef Tongue.

"You're...thinking of food, aren't you?"

"Yes, what else would there be?"

Ayumi clapped her hands against each other, face bright at Nao's idea. "Right! I should use this to prepare something cold for Tomori-oneechan and Yuu-oniichan! Mango shake sounds good, right?!"

"I also bought three packs of Enoki mushrooms for you!"

When did you get that?!

"Yay! Perfect day for the three of us!"

"Let's go and eat, eat, eat!"

Geez, these two... Yuu scratched the back of his head and followed the two females' footsteps. Seeing them get along well made the lad carve a short smile on his lips; enjoying the Enoki mushrooms after.

It was another fine long day for the three of them.

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