Chapter 5: Emotions

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"Tomori-san," called Iori, tugging the hem of her uniform. "Aren't you going to do something? Aren't you onii-chan's girlfriend?" Worried, she asked.

Blue hues landed on the petite girl, blinking once. "No. Yuu is a grown up man. He doesn't need the help of anyone in a situation such as this. If he knows the answer, then there's nothing to worry about. I need not to defend him on something he's supposedly answering."

"Eh...," Iori looked down sadly. "Oh, right! He's grown, he said! I will trust him!" Giggled the lass after.

"That's what I'm doing," smiled Nao, petting Iori.

"Thanks," was Yuu's reply to Yumi's confession. "Thank you for liking me. But that wasn't the real me; I used to be a cheater. I cheated to get high scores and be on top list of smartest students. I cheated to get into an elite school, which turned out to be successful. I also planned that truck-crushing thing to save you and get your attention. I wanted you to fall for me, only because of your looks. But...," cut off the lad, flashing a smile at Nao. "I was in the wrong path until Nao entered my life and helped me be on the right."

Nao blinked, tilting her head to the side. She couldn't hear what the three were talking about since Yumi pulled Yuu quite away from where they were standing. It was a bit rude but Nao didn't really mind.

"You mean, you toyed with my best friend's feelings?!" Mishima pulled Yuu's collar upwards, now having eye-contact with him. "How dare you play around people!"

Yuu was supposedly panicking but he remained calm. "I have done the cheating to get enough money for me and my little sister's lives everyday. We're not one of the rich people in the school--we never were. However, the set-up was because I was popular and having a wrong mindset, I wanted a girlfriend who's also popular. And I'm sorry for that. I have developed a finer personality when I met Nao, and eventually fell in love with her. In the right way."

Yumi placed her hand over Mishima's right arm that was clutching Yuu's collar. Feeling Yumi's demeanour made Mishima stop. "I...see...," weakly replied Yumi. Upon finding out all of it, and hearing those with her own ears, made the noir-haired female find the closure for her feelings. "Thank you for telling me the truth, Otosaka-kun. I can now put my mind and heart at ease," she looked up at the male and then smiled. "Thank you and I love you."


"L-Let's go, Micchon!" She said cheerfully but obviously was fake.

"Yumi-chan...," mumbled her best friend sadly. Though hesitant, she still followed the other.

For the last time, Yumi turned to Yuu, ran towards him and planted a kiss on his lips, tears were running whilst following the path of her cheeks.

Nao's eyes grew in surprise.

Yuu's as well, blushes appeared on his face in immediacy.

Iori covered her mouth, surprised of what she just saw. She knew Nao is Yuu's girlfriend--seeing this was just too much for her. Even Mishima was shocked; she couldn't believe Yumi could do something like that.

"H-Hey, Shirayanagi!" Pulled Yuu away. "What, why did you do that?!"

"A goodbye kiss, Otosaka-kun. I apologise; it's the only way I know so that I can put an end to my feelings for you."

"Iori-chan, let's go and look for the sharks now, shall we?" That was the only thing the platinum blonde-haired lass could think of to avoid the scene and think nothing wrong of Yuu's action. She could understand... And she would try to.

Worried, the blonde girl looked up at Nao, brows in narrow. "...Okay," unsure, Iori replied.

Nao and Iori then left the circle of people.

Nao! "I'm sorry, Shirayanagi. But I have to go," not waiting for her reply, Yuu chased after Nao and Iori.

Yumi looked down on the ground, bangs covering her eyes. From there, more tears rolled down on her cheeks, those tears splashing itself on the ground right after. There was nothing Mishima could do but comfort her by petting her back. Words wouldn't help her either. Not right now.

After a few seconds, Yumi fell on the ground as if she lost her power to stand. She placed both of her hands on her face, covered them, and began crying.



"Look at that jellyfish over there," said Nao to Iori, finger pointing against the as big-as-a-human glass aquarium. Though her voice sounded so amazed, her face said otherwise. Nao could understand why Yumi did that, why Yuu wasn't able to put it into a stop--she had seen everything. However, there's still a tint of pain in her, no matter how she understood that situation too well. The female didn't really want to ignore Yuu right at this moment--actually even wanting to discuss the matter--but as soon as she landed her hues at him, the picture just comes back. That, alone, was even more painful.

"Nao...," called Yuu once again.

Iori stepped to the side so Yuu could get closer to her.

Nao's pointer finger slid down against the glass, now resting on her side. Her bangs covered her eyes, her lips in a frown. She was known to be the person who seldom--probably, never--shows what she feels, but this time, it's getting released. Nao learned to do so, and recovered from her past after meeting Otosaka Yuu. But right now...

Being a fine, smart girl, Iori didn't try to get in their conversation. She knew what happened, she knows what should happen. Openly, she gave the space the two needed.

"It's okay. I understand. Don't worry about it," began Nao. "It wasn't like I can stop that from happening."

"You know I didn't want and expect that to happen."

"Yeah, I understand. Fully. It's fine."

Yuu clenched his fists, then walked closer to Nao. Though hesitant--feeling that a kick might send him flying somewhere right after this demeanour--he, with full might, still held both of Nao's shoulders then lifted her chin so he could take a good look of her. Only then to realise that Nao was crying.


"I understand... But, it...," tears began rushing down her cheeks. "Even if I understood it, it still hurts..."

The male wiped her tears, leaned his face closer, and then kissed Nao. It was technically the first kiss they'd done since the moment they became in a relationship. So this is what kissing feels like... Nao's lips are so soft-

Iori, once again, covered her lips from the surprise, just so she wouldn't ruin the moment. Right then, Yuu noticed Iori was there, standing and watching.

The kiss felt like it lasted for an hour or so. Blue hues then opened and looked at his maroon ones. There was a second of sweet smile planted on Nao's lips until it was changed into her usual one. "Pervert."

"What's pervert in there?!"

"Kissing your girlfriend and then having unnecessary thoughts."

"That wasn't-!" Yuu blushed; Nao controlling the situation this time. "I-," The man was about to say something else to defend himself until they heard Iori's laughs echoing in the aquarium.

"You guys are really hilarious; no wonder you ended up together!"

Kids don't lie, after all.

"I can hear you," she said, making a comical deadpan look towards the male.

Yuu scratched the back of his head and then entwined hands with Nao. Iori making space since she knows what couples do. However, Nao held her on her left hand as they continued watching the fishes move inside the aquarium. All of them were real, though.

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