"I really, really like him... A lot..."

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**Scott's POV**
i just got a text from Kirstie. She said her and her boyfriend just broke up and she needs someone to talk to and wants to come over. I hate seeing her get her heart broken all the time...

I hear a knock on the door. I knew it must've been Kirstie. My mom calls upstairs to me, "Scott, Kirstie is here!" I come down and greet her and then we go upstairs to talk about what happened.
**end of POV**
Scott: so tell me what happened between you and this guy.
Kirstie: well I found out he was cheating on me with this girl from another school and when I called him out on it he lied to me! Then we got into a big fight and I broke up with him and left.
Scott: oh Kirst, I'm sorry that happened to you. Any guy that cheats on you it a loser. You were the best girlfriend he will ever have!
Kirstie: awe thanks blondie! Any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend.
Scott: thanks Kirst!
Kirstie: ok scooter I have to go I'll see you at school tomorrow!
Scott: okay bye shorty!
**Scott POV**
I hate seeing her get hurt. I wish I could tell Kirstie how I feel about her. Just wish I knew how. Maybe I'll talk to Mitch and the guys tomorrow before school. I hope they can help me...
**Kirstie POV**
Scott is one of the best people to go to for these things. I really, really like him...a lot. But i don't know how to tell him...I ask Mitch tomorrow for some advice...I hope Scott likes me back.

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