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At Kirstie's house

**Kirstie POV**
I'm sitting at home in my room nervously wait for Mitch to get here with the test. I'm so scared. I'm only 16! What was I even thinking!? Ugh!

I here my mom open the door and greet Mitch and them him come upstairs. "Hey Kirst, I got-" "Mitch, I'm so scared...what if it says positive?" I start to cry at the thought of it. "Kirst, whatever happens, happens. You just have to pray." Mitch is right. I have to say positive.

He hands me the test and I go in the bathroom.

**Mitch POV**
I'm so scared for Kirstie and Scott. I just have to stay positive for them. Scott should really be here for this.

Mitch and Scott's convo

Mitch: hey scooter where are you at?
Scott: detention. Why what's up?
Mitch: Kirstie asked me to buy her you know a test so I'm at Kirstie's
Scott: does it say anything yet?
Mitch: no she just went in the bathroom
Scott: well hopefully I'll be out of here in a few minutes. But if I'm not text me and text me what it says.
Mitch: will do blondie

End of convo

Kirstie comes in the room right after. "Well? What does it say?" I ask nervously. "Negative!" Oh goodness the relief me and Kirstie both felt was unexplainable. "Thank goodness! I told you everything was going to be fine, Queen!" "I know I'm relieved. Just wish Scott was here..." "I just talked to him. He's in detention but he'll be over in a few minutes." "Ok good! I need to tell him the good news!"

**Kirstie POV**
I'm so relieved! Mitch said Scott should be on his way over soon. I need I just had a little flu. Just wish Scott was here to find out the same time I did. But at least he didn't get suspended for that fight that happened earlier today. I hear the door open and hear Scott's voice.

**Scott POV**
After greeting Kirstie's mom, I quickly make my way upstairs to see what was going on. "Scott!" "Hey babe! Hey Mitch! Did you guys find anything out yet?" Mitch and Kirstie both look at each other. "The test said..." They both say. "Stop with the suspense and tell me!" They both laugh and Kirstie say,"I was negative!" Wave of relief hit me like a truck. "Thank goodness! We are too young to be parents!" "Yeah, next time remember your bestfriend put in your pocket before you two do anything...dirty birdies!" Me and Kirstie both laugh.

Since it was Friday night, and we didn't have school the next day, we all decided to stay the night at Kirstie's and have a movie marathon. Just three bestfriends hanging out. I love nights like this with my two favorite people in the world.

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