"I have to fix this"

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**Scott POV**
I can't believe that just happened. I lost her. All because I was selfish and focused more on things that aren't important right now at all. Our relationship was the most important thing to her. It was to me too. I just never thought I'd lose her.

Later at Scott's house

"Hey scooter! Are you home!?" I here Mitch come through the front door unexpectedly. I hear my mom greet him and then tell him to go upstairs. "Hey scooter. How are you? You know after what just happened." "I'm lost. I'm hurt. I didn't think she'd break up with me. I knew we had problems but I thought I had time to fix them." "Scott, you guys getting older and we are almost out of high school. She wants to spend as much time with you before we graduate next year. She loves you so much." I agree with Mitch. "I feel the same I want to spend as much time with her as possible before we leave high school. We're most likely not gonna go to the same college." I say to Mitch. "Yes and you know how difficult long distance relationships can be." There was a long pause before I spoke up. "How do I get her back, Mitch?" "Just prove to her that you are still the same person she fell in love with." I have to fix this. I need to get Kirstie back before high school is over.

**Kirstie POV**
i just got a text from Mitch and he said he talk to Scott. I didn't want to break up with him. But I need to know and see if he's serious about being with me.
I just want to be with Scott. No matter what happens or comes our way in the future.

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