"I hope youre right, Mitch"

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**Kirstie POV**
Me and Scott have been fighting a lot lately. We love each other so much i don't know why we are fighting so much. I just wish he was home. Mitch has been keeping me company while Scott is away at camp. I'm glad to have a friend like Mitch.

"Hey queen, do you know when Scott is coming home?" I just shrug and say, "I don't know. We've been fighting so much I never bothered to ask." "Kirst, you know he loves you right? Do you even know why you guys are fighting so much?" I lie and say "No..." Mitch knows when I'm lying. "Kirstin Taylor Maldonado....tell me right now." Ugh he just sounded like my mom.

"There's just been rumors going around and getting back to Scott that I'm cheating on him while he's away." "Did you try to talk to him about it?" "Yes. But he doesn't want to talk about. Mitch I'm afraid to lose him..." I start to tear up at the thought. "Kirstie you know how Scott is. He would never leave you. Just look at all you guys have been through! He can never hurt you like that."

"I hope you're right Mitch. I hope you're right."

**Scott POV**
Kirstie keeps trying to talk to me about stuff people have been saying about her back home. I want to talk about it just not over the phone. I hope it's not true. It can't be true...she would never cheat on me. Right?

Few days later

I just got home from camp and I want to talk to Kirstie. I should head over there now.

At Kirstie house

"Hey babe..." I say slowly coming into her room. "Hey blondie" she gives me a faint smile. "Can we talk now?" She asks me. "Of course." "Ok, so I don't know who you've been hearing all this stuff from but none of its true and I just don't want you to leave me of stupid rumors..." "Kirst, I wouldn't leave you. I just didn't want to talk over the phone about all of this. But I do have to tell you something..." "What is it?" "I just missed you a lot..." She kisses me then we just chill for the rest of the night.

I couldn't really tell her what happened while I was away for the summer...it would break her heart.

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