"Graduation day"

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**Kirstie POV**
Finally it's here! Graduation day! I'm so excited to finally be out of high school and move onto bigger and better things. Scott and I are going to different colleges but I'm sure we can handle a long distance relationship. Mitch is staying here in Texas for college. While Scott goes to California and I go to Oklahoma. I have faith we all will remain close.

I have to starting getting ready now even though the ceremony isn't until tonight. You know, perfection takes time!

**Mitch POV**
Tonight is the night! After tonight we are no longer high schoolers! These past four years for us have been bumpy and anything but perfect but I wouldn't have it any other way. As long as I still have my two best friends and Scirstie is still a thing. Sometimes I feel like I'm their son and their my parents. But that's ok. I like being the baby.

Scott and Kirstie's families are coming over to my house before the ceremony tonight so we can all go together. I love how close our families have become since we all became friends when we were younger. It sounds like Scott's family is hear now!

**Scott POV**
"Hey scooter!" I hear Mitch running down his stairs in his suit and tie. "Hey Mitchie! You look great!" I say to him. "Thanks so do you! Is Kirstie and her family on their way yet?" Mitch asks me. "Yeah as we were coming in they were pulling up." I say. "Hey boys!" Kirstie says running to Mitch and I giving us a big group hug. "Can you believe it? We graduate today." Kirstie says to us. "I can't it's completely insane!" I say back to her. "Agreed!" Mitch says. "I can't believe you both are leaving me to go to out of state colleges!" Mitch says looking sad. "Well Mitch! That not until August! It's may right now. We have three whole months left together before we both have to leave." Kirstie says trying to cheer Mitch up. "Yeah that's true."

We all stood around talking before Mitch's dad came in and said, "ok kids time to go graduate!" Then we were off.

After the ceremony

**Kirstie POV**
after the ceremony we all said our goodbyes to teachers and other students we know we wouldn't see for a long time. Then we all went back to Mitch's house for a little celebratory party. Where us three sat around in Mitch's room while our families were downstairs talking. "I really am going to miss this." I say to the guys. "Miss what?" Scott asks. "Miss sitting around like this just talking about random stuff for hours and just hanging out with my two favorite people in the world." I say almost causing Mitch to cry. "Aw kit-Kat! So am I! What am I going to do while you two are off to different colleges?" Mitch says. "I know I'm so use to see both of your beautiful faces everyday all day!" Scott says.

We all just sat there talking for a few hours before we all had to leave Mitch's house. It's times like these that I'll always and forever cherish when I'm in Oklahoma. Spending time with loved ones.

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