"Scirstie is real!"

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**Scott POV**
Me and Kirstie decided to walk to school together today and tell all of our friends that Scirstie is real! (As Mitch would say) I can't wait to see everyone's reaction after we tell them. I'm just so happy that I'm finally with the person I've always seen myself with.

**kirstie POV**
I love this. I know we just started dating last night but I love being Scott's girlfriend. Today we are walking to school together. Scott looks over at me and asks, "Can I hold your hand when we walk into school?" I smile at him and say, " Of course, blondie."

As we walk in the first person to see us hand in hand is Mitch and he starts scream at the top of his lungs. He runs over to us and gives us a BIG hug. "OH MY GOSH! SCIRSTIE IS REAL!" He says  while running to us. Then Avi and Kevin see us and give us a hug as well. I'm glad everyone is so happy for us!

**Mitch POV**
I'm so happy my two best friends and now dating! S this real life!? OMG! "Mitch! Calm down with the screaming!" Scott and Kirstie say after I was done hugging them to death. I'm just so happy for them.

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