"Wait, what!?..."

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**kirstie POV**
Oh my gosh! I can't believe my ex just walked up to us and said that! He's been bothering me since he found out me and Scott have been dating and has been trying to get back together with me. I did tell Scott though because I knew he would freak out if he found out my ex was trying to talk to me. Let's see how he handles this...

**Scott POV**
I didn't know who this guy was or if he was joking around. All I could say was, "Excuse me?" "Yeah you heard me! She's my girlfriend!" Still confused as ever I say to him, "You must be thinking of someone else because this is my girlfriend." "No I'm not! Kirstie tell this guy!" Shocked at that fact he knows Kirstie's name I look at her and say, "What's he talking about Kirst?" Hoping she could explain. "He's my ex...the one I broke up with right before we got together. He's been messaging me trying to get back together with me. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to freak out..." All I could say to that was, "Wait, what?" "You heard he pretty boy! Now get away from my girl!" Starting to get angry and frustrated, I stand up and tower him (because you know I'm so freaking tall) once I get up and comes toward him he says, "Oh okay, man...we don't need to fight. She's yours...have a good night." Then he runs away afraid.

I look over at Kirstie and could tell she looks upset. "Kirst, what's wrong? He gone now." "I just feel like this is my fault you almost had to fight that guy because I was afraid to tell you he was bothering me earlier..." "No Kirst it's not! You see how that guy ran away from Scott like that? He could handle him." Mitch says to he trying to make her feel better. "Kirstie it's not your fault. I could've took that guy down if he didn't run away. I would do anything to protect you." After that she looked at me and said thank you with a kiss. Then me, Mitch and Kirstie start to walk home.

**Kirstie POV**
I love how protective Scott is with me. He makes me feel safe. But I don't want him to get into fights because of me or something I do make someone mad. I love him and don't want to see him get hurt.

We stop at Mitch's house first on the walk home to drop him off. Then it's just me and Scott. "Hey Scottie?" I say looking at the ground. "Yeah shortie?" "Would you have really fought that guy for me?" Yes of course, Kirst! Anything for you!" "Good because you make me feel safe from people like that." "I love you, Kirstie..." Shocked at what he just said I didn't know what to say so I just said, "I love you too scooter." We smile with a little kiss. The first I love you of our relationship! I wish I could say incident like at the beach were the last of its kind but I would be surely mistaken...

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