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Summary: a collection of yatori one shots and drabbles, whether they're humorous or sad.

Chapter 1: Reminisce

The day seemed slow, as if it would never come to an ending point. There were no calls for Yato to answer to, which could only mean there were no tasks for him to pass the time by doing. The phantoms, peculiarly, seemed to be quiet today, as if they were refraining from stirring up as much trouble as they could. Days like these usually left Yato rather bored, but now seeing as how Hiyori and Yukine had now provided him with more company. At times, the best company he could ask for. If a day like this ever popped up somehow, he always found ways of bringing excitement, usually to Hiyori. Their fateful encounter had changed both of their lives, completely.

Today was just not one of those days. He soon learned it was a mistake to go to Kofuku's place, seeing as how he was now stuck with chores, of course, which could have only been because of Daikoku. Yato should've known there would be no way he would be able to laze around, at least, not with Daikoku around. The raven's current task was cleaning the room where Yukine resided. Why Yukine couldn't clean his own room, Yato didn't understand, but he learned the hard way that Daikoku wouldn't allow slacking off.

So there he was, mainly organizing Yukine's test booklets, and notebooks. It wasn't much of a task, fairly simple, really. That didn't stop the God from whining about it, only to himself though. He would be happier doing this for the usual 5 yen. His bottle wasn't even half full of the coins, plus there was always a chance he'd waste the supposedly hard earned yen on something that would later be proven not as remarkable or lucky as he thought it out to be.

The raven soon found himself wandering off, it was common for him to daydream about the most far fetched things. It had became obvious soon that it wasn't really wise to daydream while also handling the heavy material of books, seeing as how one of thoae so called heavy books, had slipped from the God's hand, and inevitably, dropped directly onto his foot before he knew it. That had succeeded in causing him to snap out of the state of daydreaming. A yowl of pain rushed from Yato's lips, as he fell back, clutching his foot tightly. He cursed to himself, seeing how that had been painful. It only took a bit for Yato to calm down, as the pain began to ease.

Once that was taken care of, bright blue eyes lock on to the book, as he took sight of it. Then with a cautious grasp, as if not to drop it once again, he picked it up carefully. It was only when he lifted it, something slipped from between the pages. Yato paused, his eyes locking onto what had fallen out. Only taking a single moment to set the book aside, the God soon knelt down, to inspect what appeared to be a photograph.

Upon glancing to view the photograph in his grasp, a smile graces his lips. This would always be a memory he'd cherish. The moments he'd spend with Yukine. With Hiyori.

And with the chore forgotten for just a tiny moment of time, he reminisces.

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