Cuddles are the Best Medicine

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Author's note: heres fluff to make up for that angst

Ch. 4 - Scarves, and Cuddles.

It was just about the time where winter would start rolling in, Mid-November, and already, the weather began declining, only getting colder and colder, as it neared December. Yes, Winter was already coming. The year went by so fast, Hiyori was still shocked by the fact it was already almost December. This would mean she'd go back to wearing her usual pink scarf. It was a another cold day today, and Hiyori rushed to get outside. This had became her normal routine, going to visit Yato on a daily basis. She had nothing particularly important to do today, so the brunette figured it would be rather nice to see him.

It was in the middle of her going to do just that, when she realized her mistake. Hiyori reached to pull her scarf tighter, only to realize she had forgotten it. She had been in such a rush, that she'd forgotten it. The brunette shivers from the cold of November, it was really cold today.

A sigh escapes her lips, how could she have forgotten it? Hiyori soon decides that she'd just embark on the journey to go back and get it, but as soon as she began walking on this so called journey, was when a hand reached out to grab hers. Not long after, a voice rang out.

"H-Hiyori, you forget something?" Yato questioned, a smirk gracing his lips, as he soon wraps the pink scarf around her, carefully. "Be more careful, Hiyori- It's cold today." He advises, even though he shouldn't be one to talk. There had been multiple times she had saved him.

Hiyori doesn't hesitate to turn towards him after that, a smile gracing her lips.

"Thank you."

Not long after, it takes Hiyori by surprise when she ends up getting a cold. It wasn't at all an ideal time to be getting sick, but there she was, with a terrible cold. She was lucky to have good help though. The brunette was getting slightly annoyed by Yato's over worrying about her, it was just a harmless cold. She was getting no sleep while he was here, that's for sure. She often swore her boyfriend worried too much sometimes.

"..Y-Yato, if you'd like to help-

"What is it? How can I help? Do you need anything, Hiyori?!"

"... Just go buy me some medicine."


Hiyori watched as Yato embarked on the journey to get medicine, even though she had asked him to as a ruse, just to maybe get some sleep finally. The brunette lays down, wrapping herself in her blankets to keep as warm as possible. The warmth appeared to be lulling her to sleep. By the time Yato snuck back into her room, carrying a bag full of medicine, Hiyori had fallen asleep, occasionally shivering from the cold.

A sigh leaves the raven's lips, as he set the bag of medicine down on the nightstand. He takes a moment, glancing at her sleeping figure, before he snuck to crawl into bed beside her, careful not to stir her from the sleep she needed. When all is clear, he adjusts the blankets to wrap around the both of them, before pulling his girlfriend closer. She needed to stay warm, after all. He makes sure to embrace her tightly, as she continued to sleep.

Cuddles turned out to be the best medicine.

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