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Yato chases her, around the room. One way or another, he was going to get that jersey away from her.

"Hiyori. Give it back!"

"I already told you, I have to wash it!"

He continues to run after her, still attempting to get it back.

"Why can't you trust me to wash it myself?"

"You almost ruined my washer!"

"I learned my lesson! Hiyori, give it back!"

"If you want it so badly. Come over here, and make me."

He finally corners her, and slowly, steps closer and closer until he's only a few inches apart. Hiyori expects him to take the jersey, but then, the raven doesn't hesitate to snake an arm around her waist, and pull her flush against him.

"Hm? Is that a challenge?" He whispers, in a teasing manner. The raven then snatches the jersey from her grasp, since she was off her guard, but he discards it among her floor, his mind set on other things now.

He has her against the wall now, and he starts by kissing her. Getting that jersey back was erased from his mind.

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