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Pairing: Yato/Hiyori

Author's note: I have way too many cute ideas, and this got out of hand omg.

Yato sits there, contemplating the plan he had in mind. That plan being that he would do something nice for Hiyori, after all she had done for the raven, the ways she helped him, saved his life. There must be a way to repay her for that.

He had been working his hardest, with her support, of course. He had been striving to save up the yen to do something nice for her. He had the most extravagant ideas up his sleeve. The bottle he kept was nearly full, and the others were suprised that he hadn't spent the entire thing on something useless. Even Hiyori was concerned about his unusual behavior.

It wasn't long before he was questioned about it, as he sat there, counting the amount he had saved up.

"Say, Yato. Why are you saving up money all of a sudden?" Yukine questions, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Yato pauses, takes a break from his task to glance at the blonde. A sigh escapes his lips, he would have to say it now. For that moment, he was glad Hiyori wasn't present. The plan was to surprise her, after all.

"It's... It's for Hiyori. I wanna do... something nice for her." He mutters, a reasonable amount of blush staining the God's cheeks. "I haven't decided on what, though.."

"Yatty, you should have told me!" Kofuku responds, having been dying to see Yato and Hiyori get together. "You didn't need to save up." The pinkette adds, pulling out a great deal of cash, and handing it to him, gently. "You should take her on a date!"

"Thank you, Kofuku." Yato answers, gratefully. He didn't know why he hadn't thought of taking her on a date before now. It was a fine idea. He accepted the money, handling it with the utmost care.

And right then, Hiyori makes her entrance, and Yato acts as normal as could be, except his sense of normal behavior was being weird.

"Sorry I'm late!" The brunette greets them.

Kofuku runs over to hug her, nearly causing Hiyori to fall.

"Hiyoriiiin- Yato wants to ask you something." Kofuku teases, wanting Yato to ask her on a date finally.

"Yato? What is it?" Hiyori questions, setting her stuff down. She wondered, why was he blushing about it all of a sudden.

"U-Um... Hiyori, would you like to go on a date with me?" The raven finally questions, after a long moment of hesitation.

Hiyori was taken by surprise by the question, and she soon contemplated the answer. It was simple, Yes or no? She goes with the easiest answer, and the one she'd be happy with. A sigh leaves her lips, before she answers that question

"... Yes."

A smile immediately graces everyone's lips, especially Yato's. He was rather glad she said yes, he couldn't stop smiling about it.

It wasn't long before they went on this so-called date. It wasn't anything fancy, nothing they would need to dress up for. Both of them were content with that. The two met up, as they had planned to, and soon they were headed off on their date, a look of joy overtaking their features as they walked together.

"Is there anything you wanted to do first, Hiyori?" He questions, glancing around for anything that might catch her interest. This date was for her, after all. He swore not to ruin this for her, and he intended to keep that promise.

"Well, I didn't have anything in mind.." She answered, also glancing around. If they really thought about it, they could've planned this a little better.

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