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A frown tugs at his lips, the memory of it still continued to haunt him, it was still so fresh in his mind.

What keeps him at ease when those thoughts infiltrate his mind, is holding her. He embraces her often, now, just to make sure she was still existent. That he hadn't lost her.

It still tears him up, it haunts him that he had almost lost her, that he almost wasn't able to save her.

This was just a night, that those such thoughts dwelled in the raven's mind. And he's holding her tighter than normal.

Her eyes flutter open, she feels his arms tighten around her. All is quiet, and he hears a sharp intake of breath from him in that silence, and worry sets in.

"..Yato? Are you alright?" She questions, worry filling her tone of voice. She shifts in his arms, turning to where she's facing him.

His eyes jolt open, and he tenses for a moment. He needed to remind himself that she was still here. He glances, and is soon put at ease, when he meets her magenta shaded eyes, somewhat glowing in the darkness surrounding them.

"... I just can't stop thinking of how I almost lost you..." He finally answers, in the form of a whisper.

"... But you didn't lose me, I'm here..." Hiyori muses, and she reaches up to caress his cheek, lightly. That somehow calmed him down in times like this.

He replays her words in his mind, until he calms down.

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