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A question stayed at the front of the raven's mind, a question he was hesitant to ask. It really frustrated him, somehow, that kiss Hiyori had shared with Fujisaki. Did it mean anything to her?

He sits, silently, contemplating just that question. Yet, it didn't take long for Yato to muster up whatever it took to decide to confront the brunette about it. A frustrated sigh escapes his lips, he couldn't take this issue anymore, and he heads off to resolve this whole thing.

Soon, he tracks down Hiyori, it wasn't that long of a search, was at Kofuku's place. The moment he sets his eyes on her, determination sets in. He makes a move to confront her, but not here. Instead, he reaches for her hand, only to grasp it, and pull her outside, without saying a single word to her.

"Y-Yato! Slow down, what's going on with you..?" Hiyori immediately questions, a concerned tone in her voice.

He turns towards her, releasing the girl's hand.

"...That kiss with Fujisaki-"

"Yato, we've already discussed this.."

"... Did it mean anything?" He continues his first statement, a frown gracing his lips after he says it.

"Of course not!" She answers, without a single hesitation.

"...So you don't consider it your first kiss..?"

"No, is that seriously what you're worrying about?" She questions, a sigh escaping her lips afterwards. He was really hopeless sometimes.

And with that, he grins, cheekily. He was surely up to something, and she knew it. Hesitantly, he reaches up to grasp the brunette's chin, lightly.

"Then... Would this count..?" He questions, right before the raven leans in to close the distance between their lips, in the form of a passionate kiss. It wasn't long before she began to kiss him back, with the same amount .

Just before things got too heated between the two, Kofuku, unable to help but spy on the two lovebirds, shouted in glee:

"When is the wedding, you guys?!"

The two redden at those words, instantly breaking the kiss.

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