I love you babe

373 24 15

Sammy's P.O.V

The storm was slowly passing, every rumble becoming distant. Everyone was silent, small notification sounds popping out of the blue to break the silence. We were all involved in our own worlds, unable to really connect without the help of other friends. I had tried so hard to impress these people, to allow them to understand me better to make Connor happy though they never understood.

Connor and Troye had been gone for about an hour, the silence in the flat became almost unbearable, the usual laughter had seemed to evaporate into the air. I was so confused whenever I was alone, ideas and thoughts spiralling out of control.

The post had gone viral. The perfect picture that seemed to capture every doubt that had been floating around my head. Their hand were linked, held tighter than the tugs of my heart. Their fingers were intertwined, the feel of his fingers, the stroke of his thumb flashing through my mind. The smiles were obvious, more genuine than anything we had shared. My hands were shaking, the blood in my body rushing faster, faster, faster. Dots blurring my vision, a sudden anger pulsing through into my body.

I wanted to scream, to cry, to throw a fit, to run, to escape this very hotel room though even one single moment of pain would instantly be recorded much like Connor's hand as it slipped into Troye's. He was all I had, every single moment on social media, every smile, every moment of glory, pure happiness. The feeling of being wanted. Was all held in Connor's heart, his arms, his eyes, his smile. All things that had once fulfilled me, still did though pieces were missing. Pieces only found when Troye was around, when Troye was making him smile.

The hotel room is silent until it is isn't. The sound of keys jingling breaks the silence in this room, small laughter bouncing off the wall and echoing throughout the room. The amount of happiness spreading onto the faces of Tyler and Zoe as Troye and Connor arrive  is almost contagious, almost. Though the amount of pain in my heart, and vivid images scattered in my head hide the happiness from arriving.

Connor's head peers around the corner before the rest of his body appears, followed by Troye. His steps are large, his smile so big it nearly covers his face. He mustn't know of the drama, the picture that has been shared around the internet.

"Connor, can we talk?,'' His face goes red as I speak, almost as though I have caught him off guard. A flash of terror runs through his eyes, though I can control myself this time, I won't hurt him. I just, need to talk.

"Sure,'' He nods at me before walking into our shared room. I can feel eyes on me, burning into my back though I don't even have to turn around to know it is Troye. Though I continue walking.

Once I'm inside, I close the door slowly behind me. A small slam echoes through the room and Connor's shoulders flinch, his eyes trailing down to the floor avoiding my gaze.

"Do you know about the photo?,'' I ask, sitting down on the bed. Connor remains standing, his hand reaching to touch the back of his neck.

"What photo?,'' He snips, his eyes turning a darker colour. He walks slowly to sit towards me on the bed as I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone. I had the photo saved and so I quickly accessed it and showed it to him. His face dropped, his eyes widening. He didn't know, the exact moment the photo had been taken was unsure though it was clear that it was them and the hand holding was definite.

"Look, Sammy," He begins his eyes looking straight into mine. I feel betrayed, alone. He knows that he is all I've got. He is the only one who understands the way I am, who I am and the reasoning behind everything I say.

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