I've never loved you more

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Connor's P.O.V 

The night was growing darker and darker by the second as my boredom grew to new heights. I was backstage at Vidcon with Troye, waiting for the time when I had to go on stage. My nerves were growing higher with every passing second, the makeup they had forced onto my head becoming more moist each time I fretted.

Though Troye was calming me down slowly, his hand clasped in mine, as his thumb lay small stroked upon my skin. It was nice and every single time he would squeeze my hand or move his thumb, my stomach would erupt into butterflies. He was always something that made me happy and to call him mine was a feeling I couldn't even describe.

Though no feeling could outweigh the nerves building up inside of me.

" I don't think I can do this Troye," I said shyly, my eyes looking up at Troye ever so slightly. His eyes were full of concern, his face changing almost instantly. " I'm so scared that I'm going to say something stupid or do something to make Sammy hate me again,"

" Babe, you're not going to do anything wrong and even if you slip up, the fans will always support you, I will always support you. I love you so much. I'm going to be right up there with you, Okay?," Troye says, his voice full of genuine concern. He looked worried and it killed me to know I caused it.

" I'm scared Troye,"

" I know, but you've got me and that's enough right?'

The fans were screaming like crazy, their voices echoing throughout the whole arena. The MC of the night had gone on stage a while ago to hype up the crowd before our interview. I couldn't be more nervous, my hands begin to shake, slowly increasing in speed with every passing second.

" Babe, it's going to be okay," Troye says, noticing my nervous posture.

" Promise?' I ask nervously, trying my best to stop myself from breaking down right in front of Troye.

" I promise," He replies before leaning in to give me a small kiss. Even the softest touch of his lips sends my stomach into a fury of butterflies. The amount of swelling in my chest and genuine love pumping through my veins was taking control and all I wanted was him, no one but with him. As I kissed him back harder, I realised one thing. I love this boy, more than I love anything. As we slowly pulled away I spoke ever so softly

" I love you,"

"I love you too," He replied and then the MC was down and asking me to come on stage. And we were running, sprinting as the screaming got louder. Then we were on stage and the screaming was deafening, the bright lights making it's way into my vision, blocking out every person in the audience.

Troye and I made our way slowly to the red chairs sitting just to the right of the stage. They were soft, warm and inviting and as I slipped into the chair, a small smile thrown my way by Troye, I was calmed down and prepared for the interview.

" So, Connor. Recently, there has been news about abuse from your ex boyfriend Sammy. What is your take on this?," The MC asks, he is sitting down in a blue chair in front of us, his chair angled more to the audience.

" Well, it all started a while ago. Sammy just hit me one day because I spent some time with Troye. He was very jealous and would get wound up very easily and so anything would really put him on edge. I thought I was doing the right thing by ignoring it all as I thought I was in love with him, though he soaked up all my happiness and left me in a dark place, so I'm glad we're over. I don't regret it but i'm glad that we're through," The sleeves of my black jumper are over my hands, leaving something for me to play with while I speak.

" So, what happened with Troye? How are you involved with this Troye?'

" Sammy hit me once," The audience screams a massive 'boo' at the idea of Sammy hitting Troye. Several gasps were heard through the audience, one little girl had even ended up in tears. Though Troye still continued " I stood up for Connor and he couldn't take it I guess. Connor and I have always been close, we're really good together and Sammy just got jealous of the fact that I was closer to Connor than he was. We never really liked each other and so when Sammy left, I was instantly relieved. I'd spent every day fighting for Connor and I'm so glad he is free and happy now," He shoots me smiles as he speaks, his face lighting up as he speaks my name. It's cute.

" Is there something going on between you too?' The MC asks and Troye and I both feel our cheeks turning tomato red.

" yeah, we're a thing," Troye says with a giggle as he reaches for my hand between the two chairs. As I grab for his hand, the fans go mental, screaming their heads off. It's lovely.

" Well, thank you so much for giving us the time to do this interview. Troye, you are such an inspiration to young people of this generation and I can't wait to see how far you come in the future. Connor, thank you so much for inspiring people to come out with their stories. You are so brave having to go through this and we are so proud to be supportive of you and to be alongside you throughout this journey. You are such an amazing person, thank you for being so brave," The MC says, facing directly towards me as he speaks.

As he finishes his speech, Troye and I go to leave the stage though we're interrupted by the fans. They're chanting something, so beautiful and kind it brings tears to my eyes.

" We love Connor," They chant, repeating the phrase over and over until it is all I can hear. There are tears streaming down my face, knowing I have such a supportive audience. Troye grabs my hand and squeezes it, a huge smile on his face. Because he is happy, so happy for me. I'm overwhelmed by their support. I've never been more loved.

" I love you more," I yell before running off the stage and jumping into Troye's arms. He leans in and kisses me deeply, every single word he has ever said being shown through one kiss.

And for the first time ever I feel beautiful, loved and happy all at once. Everything has worked out, I found the boy of my dreams and have the fanbase people are begging for. I love everything and as I kiss Troye, I realise all I want to do is just keep kissing him.

As we pull away from the kiss I break the silence.

" I love you Troye,"

" I love you too Connor,"

And then we're back to kissing and it is better than ever before.


So, that's it! The end of coffee stains! I have loved this book so much and being alongside you guys on this journey has been fantastic! Only an epilogue left. I'm so sad to end this book.

Suburbcon - Thank you so much for commenting and voting on my story all the time. I see your comments when I'm at school and I always find myself blushing! You make me so happy and I'm so glad to have you as a reader. I love you so much x

~ Jorja

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