BROKEN Prologue

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Dearest Emily,

Things get broken all the time, plates, toy's, even windows and bones. But they aren't the only things, there are less tangible things like promises, and homes.....then there is the saddest one of all. Hearts, they get broken too, more often than you think...

This is why a story like ours must be told, because not everything that gets broken can be mended. Sadly this world is careless with hearts and it will break yours into a million pieces if you let it.

You were born on a lazy June winters day. From our hospital window I could see the sky gray and brooding, as the wind swirled around trees that had long lost their lush green foliage and were now bare and dormant, patiently waiting for the promise of spring.

It may have been cold and bleak outside, but inside our cozy hospital bed, wrapped up in pale cream blankets, just you and I, it felt warm and amazing. Our life together was just beginning. I promised you with all my heart that I would never leave you.

Struck by your innocence I held you in my arms, breathing in your newborn scent as your gray-blue newborn eyes watched me intently. It was then, in those precious few moments together I vowed to you that I would give you everything my mother hadn't given me. I would mend what she had broken in me, through you. It was at that very moment I knew you were the most important thing in my life.

I wondered if my mother had promised these things and more as she cradled me in her arms all those years ago. I silently promised I would be your first love, your teacher, your protector.... I already saw in my mind's eye our life set out before us, and for a fleeting few moments it was perfect. Then something got broken.

There are no winners, just losers in our story, because family is the very fabric of society and we watched on helplessly as ours was ripped apart at the seams....

Now as I sit here unable to cradle you in my arms, I need to tell you, explain to you something that you may never fully understand. But I need to tell it to you anyhow, maybe more for me, than for you. Or maybe because this is the only way I know how to live with myself.....
Your loving mother,

Thanks for taking the time to read the prologue of my debut novel. If you enjoyed it please like my work. I would love to hear your comments! Chapter 1 coming soon!

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