Chapter 23

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Demi picked up the telephone pressing the answer button killing the horrible tune it played. She regretted ever putting the tune on in the first place, and now she couldn't remember how to change it.

"Ben," she breathed into the phone, and moved away from Amanda who was watching a cartoon.

"Yeah, I'm working late again."

"That's the third time this week..." she cried out.

"It's been a rough week that's all... I have to do this, I don't have a choice. I will make it up to you and Trevor, I promise."

"Don't bother! We are busy tonight anyway; doing 'family' stuff!"

"Dem, don't be like that..."

Demi pressed the red button on the phone, ending their conversation and the string of empty broken promises Ben would spew out if she kept listening.

As she sat on the lounge she tried to distract herself with the cartoon. It was that or burst out crying in front of Amanda, who had enough troubles in her life at the moment.

A car pulling up in the driveway got her and Amanda's attention, taking a deep breath Demi composed herself. Still holding onto the telephone she realized she had been clutching onto it tightly, like she had been clutching on to Ben. He had to be cheating.... but she didn't have time to suspect her husband, or dwell on what was in the past.  Right now she had a family to hold together, what was happening to Danny was bigger.

Danny walked in the front door, an over excited Amanda greeted him at the front door.

"Daddy I missed you so much, can we go home now to Vic and Emmy. I really miss them both even if Emmy cries lots when we are trying to sleep."

"No sweet heart you can't go home yet. But soon, I promise you," said Daniel as he crouched down and put his arm around Amanda so he was looking up into her eyes.

"Hey Amanda, why don't you show us your new tricks on the trampoline, before it gets too dark outside. Show dad how much you have been practicing?" said Demi trying to change the subject.

"Oh yeah Daddy, you wanna see my somersaults now, I can almost land on my feet," said Amanda as she squealed with excitement and dashed for the back door.  With her hand on the door knob she waited to make sure they would follow.

Outside Amanda was climbing onto the trampoline as she bounced Daniel and Demi sat at the outdoor tables and chairs.

"So how are you holding up?"

"Jesus Dem, I don't know if I'm coming or going."

"Are you sleeping?"

"You have to be kidding, how could I sleep with all of this going on? Emily has one last operation in the morning while we are at court, what if she doesn't make it?"

"I wish I could make all of this go away," said Demi feeling a stabbing pain in her heart as she put her arm around Danny.

"You have been a god send. What would I do without you?"

"So what really happened Dan?"

He shifted uncomfortably in his chair and looked away.

"It was just like what they said in court today."

"I wish Mum wasn't so far away, we need her more than ever now.... but enough of that," she said brightly. "Are you staying for tea?"

"Thanks, but I will visit Emily for a while tonight."

"Amanda and I could do with getting out of the house for a change, and Ben called to say he would be working late tonight. What do you think about all of us going to visit Emily?"

"Sure, I will go home and get changed, we can meet at the hospital."

"Ok," said Demi and smiled.

Demi watched as her brother walked over to the trampoline and kissed Amanda on the top of the head and whispered something in her ear before he left waving goodbye.

Demi waited until after he had gone before approaching Amanda.

"What did Dad whisper in your ear?"

"Oh nothing Auntie Dem, he just told me to be extra good for you." said Amanda looking down at the floor.

"I'm going inside now, come in when you are ready."


A small muffled cry reached Demi from the back door and she scurried in to tend to Trevor. She picked him up and cradled him extra tight to her chest. He responded by gargling, showing he was happy to be in her arms. A tear slid down her face as she thanked god that this nightmare was not happening to him.


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