BROKEN chapter 3

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I dedicate this chapter to  anupamarc thank you for your help and support  :)

October 23, 2013

Victoria Thorne rolled over and groaned, not wanting to open her eyes, or wanting to acknowledge the brilliant stream of sunshine radiating from the bedroom window.

She silently cursed herself for not having thought to draw the block out curtains all the way the night before.

"Shhhh baby," she whispered and rolled over again to escape both the gargling coming from the next room and the pesky stream of cheerful morning sunshine - both equally determined to chase her from her bed.

She was still tired, and a little hung over from the night before. It had all seemed like a much better idea at the time.

Slowly, almost hesitantly Victoria opened her eyes and blinked once or twice trying to focus. When they finally did she found Danny inches away from her lying in bed, propped up on one elbow smiling as he watched her sleep.

Lovingly Danny brushed a stray lock of hair from Victoria's face, "good morning beautiful, how was your girls night out?"

"Just what I needed," said Victoria as she drew Danny closer to her from under their doona cover and kissed his dark shiny hair.

His hands caressed her upper thigh all the way up to her buttocks through her silky black spaghetti strap night dress, "Ooh does that mean I might get lucky then?"

"I don't know about that, someone else in the next room is awake and has other ideas," said Victoria with a laugh as she untangled herself from Danny's grip and wriggled towards the edge of the bed. She wasn't looking forward to the task of attending to their 4 month old daughter Emily. Baby would be wet, more than likely stinky not to mention hungry and just like any baby, she didn't like to wait.

Danny drew her back close to him before she had a chance to hop out of bed and whispered, "No, I'll go, you lay in for a while, you look like you could use a little more rest,"

"Really, thank you honey, whispered Victoria surprised, but at the same time secretly relieved. She really didn't want to get up just yet or face a smelly nappy.

As he began to wriggle out to one side of the bed Danny said, "I didn't even hear you come in last night, what time was it?"

"After midnight," Victoria groaned propping herself up on one elbow, then feeling her head pulsate in protest she quickly let herself fall back onto the pillow.  Danny sat up on the edge of the bed and stretched out his arms, making the muscles on his well-toned back ripple slightly.

As he stood up and walked around the bed, Victoria tugged gently at the leg of his striped boxer shorts, catching him before he had chance to leave the room. "Thank you, for watching the kids while I took a time out. I'm sorry about before...."

As she said it she scolded herself, what sort of an apology was that. Annoyed she let her gaze fall from Danny's face onto the thick chocolate brown carpet on the floor. Why couldn't she get anything right?

She stopped herself. No, she wasn't going to beat herself up any more, the past was over with. Today, starting this morning was a new leaf. All of the promises she had made to her beautiful little family were going to be kept, starting with no more moping around.

Danny stopped and took her outstretched fingers, removing them from the edge of his boxers, then kneeling down beside the bed he placed her hand to his face. With his lips he caressed, first her finger tips, then her knuckles, then he kissed the fresh, still red scar on her wrist and continued all the way up her arm.  Looking up at his de facto wife adoringly he whispered, "I love you, we all do, Emily, are the best thing that ever happened to us."

Broken - #Wattys2016 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now