Chapter 40

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As soon as they were safely inside the hotel Marilyn let out a sigh of relief, she felt like she was home. She looked over at Eddy as he led her up the stairs towards her room.

"What is under your coat?"

Eddy smiled as he let her in her room and offered her his arm with the jacket draped over it.

"Why don't you see for yourself?"

Marilyn put the bundle on her bed and unwrapped the coat carefully and gasped.

"You didn't!"

"Oh yes I did," beamed Eddy looking first at the green tin, then at Marilyn.

"Do you have any idea what is in this tin?"

"No, but if they would hold you hostage for it, it must be something good!"

"Eddy, in here is a new life, there is enough cash and diamonds in here to...well this whole hotel if we wanted to!"

"Imagine that," whistled Eddy.

"Yeah imagine that," sighed Marilyn tapping the tin box thoughtfully.

Marilyn drew Eddy closer to her and whispered into his ear "I owe you my life, let me repay you." she said and pulled him closer to kiss him.

"No, you owe me nothing I didn't do this to score brownie points... and I don't expect you to repay me, especially not like this. I like you Marilyn, but I won't take advantage of you. If you are going to kiss me, do it because you have feelings for me, not as a favour, that wouldn't be fair to either of us."

Marilyn stepped back and sat on her bed.

"I wasn't - I mean I do - like you...."

Eddy stepped back and took hold of the door knob and smiled.

"Well, you need a good meal under your belt. I will go rustle us up something from the kitchen and you, my pretty lady should get yourself showered, changed and ready for a culinary delight or too!"

"Oh Eddy, you take such good care of me....Thank you, really, you were so good to me, even when I was parading around like a complete idiot!"

"Shhh, get all cleaned up and come down in about an hour," said Eddy as he left the room.

Marilyn stood there for a while, she should be dead, but somehow she had been given a second chance. She didn't deserve it, not a second chance at life, at happiness, and most of all a second chance to make amends with Victoria. She needed to make the most of it.

Walking into her bathroom and turning on the shower, she looked in the mirror. One last look at the old Marilyn, because when she got out of that shower the last traces of the old Marilyn would be washed away forever. The old Marilyn died in the old kitchen pantry of Alley Cat with Gino, it was time to grow up!

When she emerged into the dining room and hour later, Eddy who was waiting with two amazing steaks whistled appreciatively as she made her entrance.

"Do you like it?"

"Do I like it, wow, you are beautiful!" He said with his eyes wide.

"Thank you," she said as she took her seat next to him at the table and picked up her knife and fork, then paused.

"Eddy I have a proposition for you."

"Propositioned by a beautiful woman - am I dreaming?" said Eddy with a laugh.

Marilyn took his hand, "No you aren't dreaming, but I am serious Eddy, what do you say you and I - we - buy this place. I have the money, you have the experience. It would be great. That is if you want me."

"Just like this hotel, I don't come cheap, we are hard work are you sure you want to sink your money into this?"

"Positive, I couldn't imagine anything better!"

Eddy raised his glass, "here's to an exciting new future in the hotel business."

Marilyn clinked her glass with his and smiled, she already liked the new Marilyn and her new life...

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