Chapter 21

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Gino Galliato sat in his favorite chair, staring out of the window of his apartment. The view was breathtaking, that was why he bought the place. But he saw none of the beauty today, the world seemed like it was out to get him. The tiny people down on the street were probably pointing and laughing at him by now.

He clenched the newspaper article Angie gave him in his hands and wondered how he had let Marilyn get under his skin like that. How could he put himself so far out there and trust her so much. He of all people should have known better.

What would his friends say when they found out she played him, they warned him she was a gold digger, why didn't he listen?

As soon as he realized what she done he sent word that Marilyn took a trip to visit her dying mother, so the party would be rescheduled. But he knew it wouldn't be long before news got out about her ripping him off and how she dumped him like a hot potato.

Rubbing his temples he imagined it, people snickering behind their hands, gossiping about him as he passed them in the street. He couldn't allow this, but what to do, should he let it go, break anyone's face who spoke about what happened?

His first instinct told him he should go and find her. Drag her back by the hair if need be and make her play nice. Or maybe he should find her and pop her off and save himself the heartache. Once a thief always a thief he reminded himself.

Wouldn't that be something for the gossip mongers?

'Don't mess with that Gino fellow, he popped his fiancé off, just for looking the wrong way.'

Yeah, he liked that idea he would rather be feared than pitied any day.

He screwed up the piece of newspaper he had hold of and threw it at the wall. Then he crossed the room, took a seat at his desk, picked up his phone and dialed.

"It's Gino Galliato here.... any news on the lady I asked you to look out for, around the hospital."

He smiled ruthlessly as he listened to the person on the other end.

"Great, so she has arrived. There is one more thing I need you to do, I want you to keep an eye on her and pick her up, take her to The Alley Cat. Ring me on my mobile when it's done and I will take it from there, got it. Don't fail me, no one's job is secure until that girl is delivered to me, don't you forget who pays your wages!"

He hung up the receiver with a click, then picked it up again and dialed a new number.

"Tony my little buddy, warm up the engines, I will meet you in a half an hour."

Without even waiting for a reply he hung the phone up and opened his other safe. The one Marilyn didn't know about. And pulled out a shiny black handgun and tucked it in his jacket pocket.

"Angie, get ready, looks like you're gonna get your wish, you and me are taking the next flight to Albany!"

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