Chapter 37

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As Danny rounded the corner into Misty's street he saw police car lights flashing. He pulled the car to a halt and as he did Demi stumbled out of the car and vomited on the road.

Danny ran around to her side of the car and pulled her towards the house.

"Come on Dem, let's go," he cried, but the look in her eyes told him she knew Ben had done something too.

Misty and Amanda were inside the house. Two police officers asked Misty questions and wrote in black leather bound notebooks. Misty cradled Amanda in her arms rocking her desperately.

The moment Amanda saw Danny she ran into his arms and bawled.

"Daddy, Uncle Ben come and stole Trevor I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen. He told me to go back to sleep or he would belt me," she said raising her arm threateningly. She dropped her arms and sobbed into Danny's chest, "I want Mummy Vic"

"Shhh, its ok honey," whispered Danny and led Amanda to a chair off to the corner of the room, out of earshot, "you sit here for a minute while Auntie Dem and I talk to the policeman."

"Ok Daddy, please don't go again though, please I'm frightened."

"I won't leave you ever again sweet heart, I promise,"

Danny approached Misty and the police officers. Demi was already there, sobbing hysterically. He put his arm around her.

"He took Trevor, he broke into the house and took him while he was sleeping. And that red headed tramp of his kept Misty busy at the front door while he did it. Ben took my baby, what if I never see him again, what if he hurts him!"

"Demi, snap out of it, getting hysterical will not get Trevor back, let's listen to what the police officers have to say!"

Demi nodded, still shaking in Danny's arms.

One of the police officers cut in, "We are looking into finding out an address of the red headed woman, but we aren't sure of her name, do either of you know it?"

"Sarah, her name is Sarah!" said Demi suddenly.

"What about her last name?"

"Maybe you could try cheating tramp, home wrecker....take your pick."

"No she doesn't," cut in Danny quickly before Demi got even more worked up.

"We will keep working on the name and we have an APB out to all police and emergency services to report Ben's car if it is sighted. Other than that we can't do a lot, we really don't know what he will do, so we have to sit tight and wait until somebody sees them."

"Wait! Wait? screamed Demi, "what do you want to wait for, wait until you get a report that his car has been found in some ditch, wait for him to kill my son...."

Danny dragged Demi away screaming and kicking and sat her next to Amanda.

"Demi you are out of control! Stay there with Amanda, settle down, I mean it, the police are doing everything they can to help us!"

Misty come up to Danny and hugged him, nestling her face into his shirt.

"I'm so sorry, the girl distracted me and he broke in through the bedroom window, I am so sorry."

"It's ok Misty, it isn't your fault, its ok we will find him and Trevor will be ok."

Misty nodded apologetically and moved on to Demi and the two cradled each other, rocking together as they sobbed.

Danny couldn't stay there, if he stayed at the house with all of those emotions flying around him he would go crazy. He gave the police officers his mobile number before he left.

"Please call as soon as you hear anything, but it's best if I take Amanda and Demi out of here to settle them down."

Danny herded the two out into the car, he figured that driving around would help pass the time and give them some purpose, until they found Trevor. He prayed to god that Ben didn't do something stupid....

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