Chapter 45

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One month later

It was a day for rejoicing, it had been a month since Victoria had gone free and today Emily would finally leave the confines of the hospital and begin her new life.

Over the month, after her operations were finished, Emily had grown stronger by the day. She was allowed out of the horrible plastic crib that separated them both. The machines were taken away one by one and finally Victoria could hold Emily in her arms. The ache in her breast was gone now, but the ache in her heart would never leave.

Today was Victoria's birthday and the day they released Emily she had been persuaded by her mother and Eddy to have a little birthday bash and coming home party for Emily at the hotel.

Victoria had never liked parties, especially birthday parties, they held too many painful memories, but today nothing could dampen her spirits. Today she wanted to celebrate, with balloons, cake, and streamers - all the trimmings.

Gently putting Emily into her pram, Victoria smiled at Emily's frilly pink party dress. As if anticipating the color and exciting noises Emily beamed a big toothless grin at Victoria, she couldn't help but grin back at her.

"Yes, we will have a big party, with lots of balloons, yes we are, oh what fun," cooed Victoria as she wheeled Emily out of the room. As they left she waved to the nurses at the station as she passed.

Outside the sun shone and a cool sea breeze tickled her face as she looked at the lush green surroundings of the hospital gardens as she wheeled Emily along the path to the end of the hospital boundary. At the edge of the road she stopped and looked once more at the hospital.

"Emmy, we are free, well almost." she said looking down at the baby and back at the hospital.

There was one more thing left to do, next week she had to attend a court hearing to get custody of Emily. She dreaded it, she didn't want to go back to court and have to fight Danny all over again. But if it was what she had to do to keep Emily, she would do it.

She arranged to stay at the hotel for a few weeks with Marilyn and Eddy until she got the court case organized and everything in order and she would see where things went from there. 

Putting her face up to the sun she sighed. It wasn't important, she would not let little things bother her, or stand in her way of having fun. Today would be carefree.

Victoria turned the pram around, with her back to the hospital and crossed the road towards the hotel where Marilyn and Eddy waited for them.

Streamers and balloons with smiley faces and Happy Birthday written on them decorated the lobby, to the side a sign said "Thorne Birthday Party, dining room 1."

Victoria entered the dining room and gasped.

"It is beautiful."

A red cake took pride of place in the center of the room, decorated with icing roses and a pink teddy bear to the side. There were two massive posters with "Happy Birthday and Welcome Home," written on them, stretching from one side of the room to the other.  Balloons covered the floor, ceiling and sides of the table. Emily wriggled, opening and closing her hands trying to grab hold of the balloons and streamers.

Marilyn rushed up to Victoria and kissed her on the cheek.

"Happy Birthday darling."

"Thanks Mum," then seeing Eddy she motioned for him to come closer, "Come here and give me a hug too."

As they hugged Victoria whispered in his ear, "You aren't so bad for some old geezer!"

"Gee thanks," grinned Eddy.

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