Chapter 29

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It was risky right from the start. Ben had to be crazy to pick up a woman at the same hospital where Demi's niece was being treated. Then again Gino wasn't about to take no for an answer.

He had followed Marilyn and was about to approach her in the cafeteria when a red head come in and complicated the hell out of everything.

He didn't know who Marilyn was. As far as he was concerned she was his boss's girl, who run off on him. And he had to get her back, no questions asked. But it turned out, the bimbo was Victoria's mother.

Ben slid into the car and smiled at the blonde woman next to him then turned away and sighed. He was lucky he hadn't been seen at the hospital.

Ben didn't know what Gino had planned for Marilyn, it must be something big to personally come to get her. Gino wasn't a nice person when things didn't go his way.

It was only a few miles up the road to Alley Cat. As he pulled out of his parking spot at the hospital he turned up the music so he wouldn't have to talk. Ben looked at Marilyn from the corner of his eye - she looked like hard work. Besides he wasn't interested, he had enough strife with the two women in his life.

Ben cringed, god only knows what would have happened if either Demi or his Sarah had seen him.

He pulled up out the back of the bar and grill, not wanting anyone to see his car, killed the engine, and scooted around to the other side and opened the door for Marilyn.

"My lady," he said as she got out of the car and took his hand.

Ben shut the door behind her and they walked holding hands towards the entrance.

"I hope you are hungry," he murmured in her ear.

"Famished," she purred.

Marilyn nodded as she looked around the bar and grill.

Alley Cat looked a lot like Jazz-lands, only smaller, not decorated as nicely, but somehow cosier.

"Well it may not be as good as the places you are used to in Adelaide, but if you ask me, this is the best place in town!"

Marilyn halted abruptly.

"I didn't tell you I come from Adelaide!"

Ben wanted to kick himself.

"I told you, you looked familiar, right, well I remembered where I have seen you, and you are that awesome chick on the television, for the car yard ads."

Marilyn relaxed again.

"You really noticed me from the ad?"

"Are you kidding, of course I did and so did every other man with a pulse around the country. They auctioned off a life sized cut out of you at the car yard here!"

"Really?" Gasped Marilyn taking Bens hand again as they walked towards the dining area.

"Yep, it sold for $1,000, for a bit of cardboard, can you believe it!" said Ben as he led her to a table at the back and pulled out a chair.

Marilyn kissed him on the cheek and sat at the table.

"Thank you for making my day."

"No, thank you for spending the evening with me," said Ben as he walked around to his seat and clicked his fingers at a waiter walking past. Pointing to Marilyn he said, "Fancy a drink?"

"Vodka and lemonade please honey."

Turning back to the waiter Ben said "Vodka and lemonade for my lady friend and a lite beer for me please and a menu."

The waiter nodded politely.

"Before you go, could you tell me where the ladies room is?"

"To your left, said the waiter pointing, "I will be back with your drinks and menu's shortly."

As the waiter left towards the bar Marilyn stood up and smiled. 

"I might just go and powder my nose I must look a complete mess it's been a busy day."

The waiter brought the drinks almost instantly and Ben looked around to make sure Marilyn hadn't come back. He took a tiny white bottle out of his pocket and held it in his hand, rolling it around in his palm and fingers.

"Just do it!" he growled and looked around the room again as he opened the bottle.

Ben dropped two tiny white Ry-phenol pills into the clear bubbling drink. Giving it a stir with the straw, he watched as they fizzed and bubbled reacting to the lemonade.  He put the drink over Marilyn's side of the table and read his menu.

Marilyn come out of the bathroom and sat down and took a sip of her drink.

"Cheers," she said to Ben.

"Hey sugar cakes, how about two more drinks or me and my friend, it's been a long day and we are thirsty!" said Marilyn cheerfully to a passing waiter.

"Well baby, you know all about me and you still haven't even told me your name..." said Marilyn toying with the straw in her drink.


"Oooh Big Ben hey," said Marilyn as she slurped the rest of her drink down and looking at Ben strangely, slurring her words she said, "Oh I don't feel too..."

Her head hit the table with a clatter. Ben took his phone out of his pocket and dialled a number.

"I have her at Alley Cat, am I done now?"

Ben stood up, put his phone into his pocket and walked out of the door.

"Thank god that's over," he said under his breath.


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