I'll be Here.

700 43 15

.B a i l e y.

Sean leaves; I sit in my kitchen and think.

You know what. Fuck him. I don't use profanity, but fuck him. I don't need a guy like him in my life. How can he expect me to want to talk when he starts it with "You don't understand?" What's there to understand? When you want to be with someone, you don't send dirty texts to their friend while their hanging out together and then make out with said friend in the hallway at school. Especially not after you profess your love for them and tell them they're always on your mind. And hug them and kiss them and and  spend every day in their room and whisper sweet things in their ear while you think they're sleeping

And make them feel special.

And wanted.

And make them want you to feel the same way.

And fuck.

I'm crying. 

My hands are shaking as I pick up my phone and call Tati. No answer. I try again with the same results. I'm about to press the call button one more time, when I remember that she's at dance class. She invited me to go, but I haven't been up to doing anything lately. Well, except sleep and dance. I scroll through my contact list and tap on Gabe's name. It rings once and he picks up

"Hey Bailey what's up?" He answers quietly. I can hear noise in the background and a guy laughing. Is that Ken? Maybe I should call someone else...

"Is everything alright Bailey?"

"Can you come over?" I'm trying to keep my voice level. I don't want him to know I'm crying and make him feel like he has to come.

The voice behind him yells louder and he yells back "Shut up Ken! Damn". I sniff and wipe away the little bit of tears that spilled over. There's a few shuffling noises and a door close, reducing the noise level on the other side of the line.

"Yeah, I can come over. Are you okay?" He asks again and it's like a trigger. My eye water again and I tilt my head back and look up.

"Not really" My voice cracks, the tears through breaking my voice.

"Hey don't cry. I'll be there in a bit. You live by Sean right?"

He says Sean name and I let out a gross sob. I can the sounds of he door opening, him yelling at Ken, running out and his car starting. He keeps saying sending soothing words through the phone, telling me it's okay and sushing me, trying to console me. I just nod in response. He can't see, because he's on the phone, but that's all I can do.


.G a b e.

I drive to Bailey's as fast as I can. She so quiet on the other side of them phone, the only reason I know she's still there is because occasionally she'll sniff or let out a quiet sob. I try to tell her calming things through the phone, but I don't know what's wrong. Like, I'm sure I have an idea--I've been pushing Sean to talk to her, but I'm hoping that's not why she's crying.

Passing by Sean's house, I drive slow knowing that Bailey's house is coming up. Out of my corner of my eyes I see someone leave Sean's house. It's Boogie. She has her hands up trying to fix her hair as she walks to her car.

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