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. B a i l e y .

Most plans sound way better in my head.

I'm currently sitting at my desk, my phone staring me down, taunting me, from its position in front of me. I honestly just need to press a few buttons and the deed is done. The phone will start ringing, then Sean either picks up or ignores the call, either way I tried.

"Hey Bailey do you ha-what are you doing?" Kylie ask as she walks through my door. I look up from my phone up to my sister, color heating my cheek.

"I-Uhm," I stammer trying to find the words to say. It should be easy to explain, but it's not. It should be but it isn't. I start crying.

"Oh no! What happened?"

and for the second time in the same 24hr period, I talk about my boy problems while crying, probably looking gross. And to make thing worse, halfway through Britney comes into my room and asks "What happened?" And I start all over. Thankfully, this time a lot less crying.

They sit side by side on my bed and look at me, thoughtfully.

"Wow, you're love life is so complicated," Kylie says and Britney nods in agreement.

"Sean is so sweet though? Why would he do that?"

"I'm still wondering why Gabe and Bailey aren't dating. Honestly the #babe thing killed me"

"But Tati though? Obviously in love with Gabe. She's just...weird."

"Complicated is more like it. Like seriously just kiss the boy and get married."

Kylie looks at me seriously and asks, "Gabe is a much better choice for you. Or Ken"

"No!," Britney shouts looking at Kylie, "Sean! He's just going through something right now, but they are going to end up together. Plus remember they kissed on the beach and Bailey almost threw up"

"I KNOW! But he's being such a dick right now. I should go over there right now and give him a piece of my mind."

Kylie shoots up from my bed and I put my hand up quickly to calm her down. The last thing I need is for her to go over there while I'm trying to get everything back to normal.

"What about Josh though."

"Yeah that's true."

Kylie and Britney continue to talk about it for another twenty minutes while I go back to staring at my phone. Hoping that maybe Sean will call me instead.

Suddenly, a hand reaches over my shoulder and presses the call button. My phone starts ringing and I stare at it shocked.

"Anyway," Britney says, "if you're going to call him. Just call him and get it over with"

I'm about to yell at her when the a voice comes through the phone



. T a t i .

Gabe is sitting behind me on the floor my room, arms wrapped around my waist and face buried into the crook of my neck. He breathes in and his breath tickles the side of my neck, dragging a soft giggle from my lips.

Always (Seailey + Gati )Where stories live. Discover now