0 2 2 4

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. B o o g i e .

Sean sighs heavily and tosses his phone to the side. I run my hands down his chest, trying to comfort him, but he moves my hands away and gets up from the bed, pulling a pair of shorts on as he makes his way to the door.

"I'm going to the bathroom," he says and leaves the room. I wait till I hear the sound of the door in the hallway closing before I reach for his phone, gathering the blankets around my chest. There was obviously someone on the phone. I swipe at the screen and it asks me for a passcode

Sean Birthday. Nope.

Oreo's Birthday?. Nope

I stare at the phone, trying to think quickly, when an idea come to mind. My jaw tenses at the thought, but I put the numbers in:

0 2 2 4

The passcode screen fades away into his home screen. Of course. Why would his password be anything else. I tap his call log and see it was Bailey that called him last.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I mumbled to myself. I don't get why this keeps happening. Every time I turn around he's talking to Bailey or thinking about Bailey or surrounding himself with something Bailey related. His phone screen is still a picture of Bailey. He probably even has a voicemail with Bailey's voice saved somewhere.

I'M here. I'M the one giving him attention. I should be the one on his mind. It's not fair. Bailey doesn't know how to commit to one guy. That's why she's always running around with Gabe. All he'd have to do is ask me and it'd be done.

I hear a door open and toss the phone back onto the bed and lean back into the pillow, trying to look comfortable. Sean walks in, deep in thought. He sits on the bed without even looking at me.

"What's on your mind?" I ask and he looks at me like I just materialized out of nowhere. I laugh softly, trying to hide gnawing pain inside my chest, and trail my finger down his bare shoulder.

"Nothing," he sighs and I give him look that tells him I know he's lying, "Everything. I don't really want to talk about it."

"Is it Bailey?" His eyes widen with surprised and I fight not to roll mine. He's an open book. There's basically a neon sign that says "Hey I'm hung up over a girl who doesn't deserve me when there someone here that's willing to give me everything."

"Why do you always think about her?"

- - -

. S e a n .

Because she's all I want.

That's the one blaring thought in my head right now. If I could be anywhere in the world right now, even with all the negative things I'm feeling right now, I'd choose to be by Bailey's side. Boogies looking at me, waiting for an answer and I have none that I'm willing to give her.

Instead, I just shrug and Boogie sighs

"You know Sean, Bailey's a great girl, but she won't commit to you"

Boogie moves to straddle my hip and her hand on moving up and down, massaging my chest. I look up at her curiously, not sure where she's going with this.

"She likes having all the attention on her and that's why she's always running around with other guys. Especially Gabe. He the type to give ALL his attention to his girl and because Tati doesn't fall for that shit? He has his sights set on Bailey"

I tense up at the sound of Gabe's name. It's true. Ever since she met Gabe, they've been inseparable. Always touching and talking and laughing. And the moment Bailey and I fought? Gabe was right there soaking up her her tears and telling me to stay away.

"and Honestly, if she were so in love with you like she wants everyone to believe so you were the bad guy. Don't you think she'd be a little bit more jealous?"

I shrug in response, but what's she's said echoes in my head. All Bailey's done since Boogie and I started this is get mad or disappointed or ignore me. If she wanted me wouldn't she have fought a little harder?

My phone lights up with a text from my sister, she's on her way home-which means Boogie needs to leave soon.

"You should go," I say to Boogie and she looks offended, "My sisters coming and she doesn't like you."

Boogie rolls her eyes but starts getting dressed.

I sink back into my pillows and toss my phone around in my hand; playing with the thought of calling Bailey back, but chances are she's with Gabe again or probably mad that I had a girl over. It's whatever at this point.

Boogie's right.

If she actually cared? She would show it.

. A u t h o r s. N o t e .

I mean now you guys feel a little bad for Boogie right?

Next up: Idiot ft Sean

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