I like you.

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Oh my god.

I can just feel the shade of red my face is.

Since Boogie posted the video, I've been watching it then hiding my face in my pillow, because I don't even KNOW who that girl is in the video. She looks just like me, but I have never done anything like that before. The videos loops again and I glue my eyes to the screen. Amazed by it. It's an endless cycle. Pride then embarrassment. I look so good, but then when I realize I did that with Ken, I get embarrassed again.

"You know, this is just sad now"

My body jerks back into the air as I scream, dropping my phone on the bed and falling backwards into my mattress. I sit up, trying to rub the pain out of the back of my neck.

The sudden movement put a crick in it and for a moment I forget what had caused it.

"If I were a murderer you'd be dead."

I throw my hands up in defense, screw my eyes shut and wait for the attack. When nothing happens I peek through my hands and see Tati, sitting on my desk chair with her arms and legs crossed. She has a small half smile pulling at her lips, like she's only slightly amused by this whole situation. In reality, she's probably dying inside and never going to let me live it down.

"I've been sitting her for almost twenty minutes watching you watch that video over and over again," she continues, "I even called your name once."

She gets up and flops down on the bed next to me, sending a small wave through my mattress. Her arms are stretched out wide and she's looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm calling a best friends weekend," Tati says, "a whole 48 hrs because you ignored me all week to hang with Gabe."

I look at her for a moment, trying to remember the week, replaying it my head, searching for time that I spent with Tati and my heart drops. She's right; I've barely spent anytime with her this week. She's still not looking at me and I start to fiddle with the hem of my shirt.

"T-tat," I try, but I can't get the words out. I start to choke up. I didn't mean to. It's just Gabe was always there so I talked to him and Tati of course didn't want to be around him. I should have known better.

She finally turn to look at me, her face blank. The tears start to form in my eyes and I start get the sniffles. I don't care. I have a soft heart and I would never purposely ignore Tati. She's my day one.

"Oh god. Don't do that. It's not that I serious Bailey. You're allowed to have other friends," she says with an eyeroll and I lunge forward giving her a hug, or the closest thing to hug I can give her, since she's laying down. I'm sprawled across her stomach, my hands burrowing underneath her. She sighs and pats my back.

I unearth my arms from beneath Tati and tuck them underneath my chin, resting on the center of her stomach. I look up at her face, which is really just her chin because of the angle.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing," she replies.

And we sit there. No one says anything we're just sitting, enjoying the quiet. I think about telling her about my week and then asking her about Gabe. To see if she's changed her mind about the whole 'erase Gabe from my life' thing she's going for.

Then, my door burst open and Sean comes through it and stands in the middle of my room looking down at the both us. Tati gets up to meet him and I'm thrown off her stomach. Falling back into my bed with a soft thud.

"No," she says sternly, "You boys have taken enough of my Bailey time."

"I haven't been able to hang out with Bailey either, Tati" Sean replies and crosses his arm, "I need to talk to her." I think they are having one those "I'm tougher than you" contests.

"Sucks to suck. Sean" she counters and places her hands on her hips.

They stare at each other. Possibly communicating telepathically. I awkwardly shift on my bed trying to figure out if I should maybe leave the room for a little bit. A few minute pass by before Tati starts tapping her foot impatiently.


Tati those her hands up and stalk back over to my desk chair and plops down in it crossing her arms in one last act of defiance. Sean looks at her and gestures through the door.

She raise her eyebrow in return and seems to ignore him. She just says,

"Well? You don't have all day."


I sigh and walk over to sit next to Bailey.

I know how to pick my battles and I dont want to risk Tati throwing me out of Bailey's room before I have a chance to talk to her.

I run my fingers through my hair and look at Bailey. It looks like she's avoiding looking at me at all. Her cheeks are flushed a slight shade of red and I remember her trying to kiss me.

She's probably still embarrassed about that.

Now that I think about, she's probably been trying to avoid me this whole week because of it. Even at lunch, she wouldn't look at me. She made a point to only look directly at Gabe or whoever was talking.

"Bailey," I sigh. She looks at out of the side her eye, but doesn't say anything.

"Bailey," I try again, "Please look at me."

She throws me a glance through her eyelashes and God. She's beautiful. I think back to the first time I tried to tell her when she was sleeping. Or in the car. How I fucked up both times. My hands start to shake and I bring them up to wipe the sweat that's starting to form on my upper lip.

She's looking at me so expectantly. I'm still quiet. She bites her lip and

Damn it. I'm making her nervous.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to gain my composure. I breath out and open my eyes; staring into hers steadily.

"Bailey, I like you"



Here's the next one 🤘 and another one sometime tomorrow/today (it's midnight). Or maybe before I go to bed idk.

Hope you like it! 💕

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