Chapter 7 They're Not Here

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Me and detective Gucci have been driving through the town looking for the boys and we haven't found them yet.

"Boys where are you at?" I asked myself, looking through the window.

"Why did they come down here?" Detective Gucci asked.

"Umm Prodigy said something about coming here for answers because he was having dreams about this place I guess" I replied still looking out the window.

"What is Prodigy's real name?"

"Craig Crippen Jr."

"Does he have any siblings?"

"No but then again we wouldn't really know cause he was adopted"

"Do you know from where?"


"You should find out"

"Why? What are you getting at here?"

"I'm trying to say if he's having dreaming about this place and that's the reason why he's coming here then he might be from here"

I actually thought about it and he might be right but how was he from a place that burned down with no one in it.

"When did this fire happen?" I asked.

"Over 17 Years ago"

Well that answers my question but why would his mom take him to an orphanage?

"What happened here exactly?"

"The people in this town were witch hunters and they believed that if a child didn't have a known father or if the women were not married at the time, then that child is a demon that'll bring the apocalypse. So they thought that the apocalypse would be avoided if they purify the child's soul."

I looked at him as he just stopped.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"The only way they could purify a child soul was with fire, so they believed."

"They burned a child? Who?"

"A innocent boy named Jonathan"

"They killed a innocent boy because they thought they could avoid the apocalypse?"

"Yea, but the seal they placed him on broke, swung and hit the pot which caused the fire."

"So the boy is dead right?"

"Yes, but he wasn't dead until three days after I saved him."

"This town was crazy to think that."

"I know, but there were still good people here."

"I don't see them anywhere."

"Well how bout this, we go back into to town, and maybe you can look up some records and see if Prodigy was born here."

"Ok, but I don't see how that's gonna help."

"Maybe you'll be able to fond the reason why he came here. You know other then dreams."


We continued to look a little more before we turned around and left. Off to records we go.

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